Christmas Candles - Gilbert Blythe

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"Mr Blythe! How wonderful it is to see you!" Mrs Edwards says as she opens the door for him. "Miss Y/l/n is in the sitting room."

I continue to read my book until I hear a light knock on the wall. I look up and see Gilbert standing there smiling.

"Gilbert!" I say happily. I put my book down and hug him tightly. "It's so lovely you could come for Christmas!"

"Thank you for inviting me." He says when we part. I kiss his nose and we go into the kitchen.

"We need to help Mrs Edwards bring the food out. Then after lunch, we do presents." I say excitedly making Gilbert chuckle.

"You're so adorable when you're excited." He says making me blush.

"Children! Can you blow the candles out on the tree please?" Mrs Edwards asks. Gilbert and I nod as we make our way to the sitting room where the Christmas tree is with candles. Gilbert and I begin to blow out the candles until we blow one out together.

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