How they ask you out part 1 *girls* - Anne with an E characters

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"Y/n you are so very beautiful and it would do me great honour to take you out for a dinner."

"Of course Anne. You should come to my house. My family loves you."


"Mother and Father would not approve but-"

"The answer is yes Diana. Instead of me having dinner at your house come and have dinner with my family."

"This is why I love you."


"Would you like to come and stay over with me?"

"Of course Ruby I'd love to."


"Would you like to come over for dinner?"

"I'd love to, but wouldn't your family be upset?"

"Not if you're undercover as my best friend."

"You have a brilliant mind, Jane Andrews."


"Y/n would you like to go out for dinner?"



"I love you Y/n."


"My mother and father can't know. If they know I like you more than a friend I'm dead."

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