when you're drunk - outerbanks

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- she would get this drunk call at like one in the morning asking for her to come to pick you up

- she'd drive over and take you back to her house so you could sleep

- she'd get you Advil and water so you could sober up a bit

- you guys would watch some comedy specials on Netflix and fall asleep


- she'd be at the same party as you when you get drunk

- guys would literally be swarming you and she'd be fending them off

- "Kieeeee, I wanna go homeeeee"

- "Ok baby, lets go home"

- She'd take you back to your house and you guys would just fall asleep


- let's be honest, he'd be drinking water so you could get drunk

- "Y/n, you need to stop, ok? you'll get in trouble."

- "my dad won't careee"

- "oh, trust me, he will"


- jj would definitely be at that party with you

- if you got so drunk that you couldn't even walk, he'd pick you up and take you home

- he'd stay the night with you to make sure that you're safe

- "baby, come on you need to sleep"

- "but i'm not tired"

John B:

- bro would stay by your side the whole time

- he wouldn't be giving you drinks but you would convince him to

- "no, you need to stop drinking, y/n, ok?"

- "but i'm thirstyyyyy"

"then drink water"

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