Christmas in the glade - Minho

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"Guys! It's Christmas!" Chuck shouts excitedly as he runs through the glade and waits at the box.

"Can we just stay in bed?" Minho asks me and I nod.

"For five more minutes," I say as I cuddle into his side.

"Alright, love birds! Get up!" Newt shouts as he walks into my hut.

"Go away!" I groan making Minho chuckle.

"It's Christmas and we're going to spend this day as a big family. The box is coming up soon with some presents so, get up." He says making both Minho and I groan. Newt leaves the hut and I roll out of bed.

"Come back!" Minho whines making me giggle.

"You heard the man. It's Christmas. Besides, I want this day to be good for my little brother." I say making Minho nod. Chuck is my little brother. We came up in the box together because W.C.K.D didn't want us to be apart.

Minho gets out of bed and we both get into some fresh clothes. We leave my hut and see Chuck helping Alby unload the presents from the box.

"Y/n! You got a present!" Chuck says as he runs over to me. I kneel down to his height and kiss his forehead.

"Merry Christmas," I say making him smile. I stand back up and open the present to see some new clothes. I got some flare jeans, some jean shorts, a sweater, a long sleaved shirt and a normal shirt.

"They do spoil you," Minho says as he puts his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, they sure do," I say.

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