The End (Epilogue 3)

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This will be the last epilogue. It will be a collection of smaller parts about different things. Thank you!
Part One

Luis's POV

"Her first day of school"

Both August and I's hands were being held onto tightly as we walked into the school building. We walked up the stairs and down the hallway past other classrooms already fill with children. "This is it!" August told us as we got to a room with a very brightly decorated door. I bent down slightly so I was more at her height. "Are you ready my darling?" She gave me a nervous smile and nodded her head wearily. August had also came down to her level and placed a kiss on her cheek. "We love you very much! Have a wonderful day at school!" I gave her a smile and kissed her forehead. "We love you very much!" A women who looked our age maybe a little older came out of the room. "Are we ready for school?" She gave us all a very bright smile. She nodded and headed into the classroom. "You're the Masons, right?" I nodded and held my hand out to shake hers. "Yes..." I tried very hard to hold back tears. "Your daughter's name is..." I saw her curly brown hair bob up and down as she jumped around with another small girl. "Lorelei." August talked to her as I watched Lorelei. "Augie we have to go before I completely start crying. I grabbed his hand in mine and he nodded trying to hold back a laugh. We said our goodbyes to the teacher and walked out of the school.

(So they had a little girl. Her name is Lorelei. Lorelei Valentina Mason. Here is a picture of her)

(She takes after her Aunt Val lol)

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(She takes after her Aunt Val lol)

Part Two

Luis's POV

"Another August"

"To be frank, Lorelei is extremely intelligent but she causes trouble. Constantly." I know where she gets that from. I glanced over at August who looked anything but happy. Then at Lorelei who sat hunched down in her seat with her arms crossed over her chest knowing very well that this isn't going to end well. "What can we do to help that?" The teacher looked quite bitchy if I'm being honest. "She needs a more stable home life." My eyes widened. What did she say to me?! I leaned forward. "Lorelei HAS a stable home life. Her parents are together and love each other. Neither of us work crazy jobs. We love her and would do anything for her. Don't sit here and tell me she's needs a "more stable home life". I sat back in my seat again looked at the sorry excuse of a teacher. "Love it Mom." She put her fist up for a fist bump. I returned it and got up. "We are leaving. This is a joke." I stormed out of the room making sure the door slammed hard behind me.

"West. Mariana. Let's go." I continued to walk. August followed at the tail end making sure all the kids were between us. We got out to car and I helped Mariana buckle her belt. I got into the passenger side and let out a huff. "What's wrong momma?" West asked me. "Nothing buddy. Just a dumb lady." Both west and Mariana gasped. "Mom! You can't say that word!" I chuckled a little and apologized. "Lei. What can I help with so that we can stop the disruptive behavior in class? Lorelei rolled her eyes. "Lorelei Valentina. Don't roll your eyes at your mother." August watched in the rear view mirror. "Darling. This is exactly like how your dad acted. He was and still is an ass. An ass I love might I add!" That got her to crack a smile. "It's only in that class. I don't do it in any other class but that women drives me insane and I can't help it." I nodded. "I agree with you. She drove me insane after talking to her for two minutes but please, no more acting up." She nodded and mumbled an apology. Lord. She is literally another August.

(So I decided that Luis and August were going to have a few more kids. West is the older one then Mariana is the youngest. You can go back to the Character descriptions and see why they are named this. Also Mariana is Luis's moms name. Here is West and Mariana.)


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Part Three

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Part Three

Luis's POV


August and I had bought a beautiful house out in the country with a porch the wrapped around the entirety of it. I sunny back and forth in the large swing that hung from the roof, August by my side holding me hand. We both watched with smiles on our faces at our grandchildren running around in the sprinkler. "Mom? Dad?" Lorelei came out of the house with two large cups of lemonade. "Here dad. This one is sweeter." I smiled at the small details she always remembered. West trudged up the steps sopping wet and out of breath. "Someone else go play with them. I'm beat." He made his way over to the rocket and plopped down into it. "West. Move the pillow out from behind you." He leaned forward and pried the pillow put from between his back and the chair. "Why didn't you move it before? It's all wet now." West leaned back. "Sorry Ma." I sighed and laughed slightly.

The grandkids came running full sprint towards the porch. "Careful! Don't fall!" August called out towards them. They slowed down and made their way up the steps slowly holding into the railing. "Grandma! Grandpa!" Two of them launched themselves at August. He caught them and helped them settle on his lap. The other taking time climbing onto mine. "You guys got grandma and grandpa wet." Lorelei went towards he kids and West was about to grab his off my lap but I stopped them. "It's all right." I already knew what the kids wanted. "Can you tell us how you guys met again?!" Their toothy grins and curios eyes made my heart full with joy. "Well, it really all started on a camping trip and grandpa calling me, Princess."

The end.

It's finished! Mr. Princess is official finished! Thank you all so much for reading my story I know it's not amazing but I have grown very attached to these characters and their story. Again thank you so much for reading. Bye for the last time lovelies <3

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