The Meeting (Epilogue 2)

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Augusts POV

I'm honestly not sure what to do. I've tried to help him all I can but at this point I'm all out of options. I love him so much but he's really testing me today. And of course of all days it had to be today. I had not just an important meeting. It was THE meeting. The meeting that could change the rest of my career. About a year ago I finally became a record producer. Shocking, I know. Not exactly what I saw myself doing but I absolutely love it and wouldn't change it. But I have this insane opportunity to produce two of the most known artists albums and I honestly can't wrap my head around it but they insisted on having a meeting first to see if I would actually be able to "do the job" as they said. It's completely understandable and it should have my full attention but when Luis is 8 months pregnant I can't really focus on anything else. He has these horrible mood swings and of course he had to have one today. Not that I'm blaming him because it's not his fault but I have too much on my mind.

"AUGUST!" I raised my head to look at a fuming Luis. "Yes?" His face was hot with anger and his ears red. "Everything hurts! The baby is kicking and you are leaving for work! Why is everything so horrible!?" Then he was crying. I sighed and walked over to him placing my arms around him. "As soon as I'm done with the meeting I'll come straight home. Ok?" He wiped at his tears and nodded slightly. "You better!" I chuckled softly and planted a kiss on his lips. "I love you, I'll be back in a few hours. Rest until I get home!" I gave him a small wave as I shut the door behind me. I can't wait until that baby gets here. I get time off and hopefully Luis will feel better. He's not a very big person to begin with. Adding that extra 30 pounds really puts a strain on his small body. He's supposed to be on bed rest but does he listen? Of course not. He still gets up and goes around the house cleaning and doing shit that could really just be left until I get home. I'm one step away from tying him to the headboard. I've tried everything to get him to just stay still for a few hours. I put a tv in our bedroom, put a mini fridge in there too so he can have food near by. I even had Val come a few different times. Yet he continued to get out of bed claiming that he didn't need bed rest and that it was all a suggestion.

"Good morning Mr. Mason!" I was greeted by one of the younger female employees. I believe her name is Julie, or maybe Judy, could be June. I can't remember her name for the life of me but I do know she's an omega. She constantly release's pheromones around the office and she almost got fired for it a while ago so she stopped doing it so much but she still releases them when she's near me and it makes me want to throw up. "Good morning." I sighed as I took off my suit jacket and hung it up on the coat hooks near the door. "The Rolland Twins are here." I snapped my head over to her. "They're here?!" She nodded her head. "They arrived about fifteen minutes ago." I began to walk quickly towards the meeting room. "Why the hell did you tell me?!" I grabbed my folders off my desk on the way and took a deep breath before opening the door. I was met with an angry dad and the twins tapping away on their phones while their mom tried to keep the dad calm. "Cory please quit. Oh look! There he is!" Both the twins stopped typing and looked up. "We have been waiting for for too long!" The older man started to yell. The younger one looked so over it. "Sit down Cory!" The younger yelled at him. He almost immediately obliged and sat down. "I'm sorry Mr.Mason please excuse him." I gave him a smile. "I had no idea you were already here. My wife is pregnant and he has been quite the handful and I left late. I apologize."

"I completely understand! I'm Tory and this is Cory. And I'm guessing you know our twins." I nodded. "I do! I am very honored to have been offered-" I was cut off when the conference room door swung open and hit the wall harshly. "I'm here!" A boy, older than the twins walked in clearly out of breath. "Dear lord Jordan you scared me! Why are you here?" He pulled out a chair and plopped himself down. "You think I'm gonna miss my baby sisters big signing?! No chance." We all stared at him for a few seconds. "You can continue." Is all he said. "As I was saying I'm very honored to have this opportunity with your girls. They are beyond talented." Both the parents smiled. "Thank you very much!" I opened my one of my folders and flipped through some of the papers trying to find the contracts. I eventually found them and handed them out to the twins and a copy to the parents to read as well. The older brother moved over so he could read it over his sister's shoulder but they pushed him away when he started to literally breathe down the back of their necks. I chuckled at them seeing how much they loved each other even though they fought. I read through the contracts with all of them and explained the major points and anything they had questions about.

"The girls write their songs together so is the Songwriter split sheet necessary?" Cory asked me. "No it's not a necessity if the girls-" My phone began to buzz on the table. I flipped it over quickly expecting just to reject the call but Luis' name popped up. I contemplated accepting it or not. It's most likely him needing something for when I come home but I felt like I needed to answer it. "I apologize it's my wife." Tory smiled and said no problem. I picked up the call and stood up turning around. "Princess, I'm in a meeting." My ear almost blew off from the extremely loud screaming on the other end of the line. "I DONT GIVE A SHIT!" I held the phone away from my ear. I slowly moved back towards my head scared he was gonna scream again. "Are you alright?" I heard him start to breathe very raggedly. "Lu?" He huffed. "I'm...I think I'm in labor." I froze. "What?!" "GET HOME NOW!" Then he hung up. Was he fucking serious?! I turned back around to them. "I am so sorry but my wife just went into labor so I have to go." Tory's face lit up. "Really? That's amazing! Go go!" She shooed me out of the room. I apologized again but as soon as I shut the door I took of sprinting out of the building. I left everything but my phone and keys. I spread off towards home really hoping I wasn't going to get pulled over. I can't believe this is happening.

Hello!!! I believe that there will be one or two more epilogues and then the story will be over! Bye for now lovelies <3

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