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Luis POV

I slowly walked into the large house. I looked around trying to take in everything. It seemed very...warm. There was pictures hanging all around. Some of August others of an older man who was most likely his brother. The rest were pictures of the whole family. They looked so happy. I can't remember the last time my family smiled...

I held my pillow tightly to my chest. As I was lead further into the house I saw more and more pictures but this time they included a woman who was holding a small baby. I tilted my head as I looked closely. She was definitely related but wasn't in some of the other family pictures. "Luis." I looked away from the picture to who was calling my name. August had a worried expression on his face. "Are you alright?" I nodded and continued to follow him. We went up a set of carpeted stairs that led straight into a hallway. His mother seemed to be a collector of things. All types of different vintage looking items sat around the house and hung on the walls.

August stopped in front of a door that had a large green "A" on it. "This is my room." He opened the door and let me go in first. It was surprisingly clean. He didn't seem like the type to be clean. I always thought that he would have a complete mess of a room. Yet everything was in its place. "Why do you have that look on your face?" August landed a hand on my hip as he came up beside me. "What look?" He gave an amused smirk. "Like you are completely flabbergasted that my room is clean." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Flabbergasted?" A small laugh left his lips making me smile slightly. "Where am I going to sleep?" I looked up at him as I took a step away from him so I was out of his grasp. "With me?" I furrowed my eyebrows together. He's not serious, is he? I was about to ask when a light hearted laugh came from him. "I'm just joking. Follow me." I sighed in relief and followed him back out of his room.

"This one." He pointed to the door that was directly beside his. "This way you'll be close if you need anything." I forced a smile when he looked at me. He opened the door to reveal a very bland room. The walls were a light cream color and the bed sheets matched. There was a queen sized bed that sat in the middle of the wall in front of us. "I thought you and Val might want to share so I didn't get another room ready but I can if-" I put my hand up stopping his rambling. "Thank you. We can sleep together in here. It's perfectly fine." I gave another forced smile and went ahead of him placing my pillow and bag onto the bed. "Ok I'll let you get settled." August left the room without another word. When the door clicked shut I flopped down on the large bed.

What am I doing here? I ran my hands over my face and sighed heavily. It's only for two weeks. I can do this for two weeks. I tried to come up with an actual feasible plan on what to do after these two weeks but nothing came into my head other than living the car until I could find us somewhere to live. My grandparents won't take us in. I know that for a fact. My mothers side wants nothing to do with us. My father said that when we moved here. Honestly I wouldn't have believed him but never once did any of them try and check in with us. My brain hurt from trying to find a solution. In the end we had one option and that was the car. We could shower at the school and-

"DAMN! This house is nice~" I was rudely brought out of my thinking with a very loud voice that belonged to Val. I sat up on my elbows and looked at her as she held a bag of chips in her hands. "Where did you get chips from?" She popped a few more into her mouth and glanced around the room. "The kitchen." She stepped further into the room still chowing down on the snack. "Valentina. You just got here and you are already eating their food?!" I thought maybe she would go put the chips back but she just simply nodded her head and continued to look around the room. "Not much in here." I nodded as I hoisted myself off the bed. "No not really but it's not like we are staying forever." She sat down with a huff on the corner of the bed closest to me. We sat it silence for a couple minutes. The only sound was Val chopping down on her chips.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She stared straight ahead as she asked the question. I dropped my head. "I was just...worried I guess." She scoffed. "Listen asshole. I'm the only real family you've got so you better tell me everything from now on, got it?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "Val, language...and yes I will." She smiled and gave me a side hug. "Good, anyways can I go to Darren's house?" Her mood completely changed in matter of seconds. "Who's Darren?" She huffed and threw her hands in the air. "The guy I stayed with while you were on the trip thingy." I thought for a second trying to remember who she was talking about. Is he the son of the couple who knows about our situation? That small beta? "Sure but be back by 11pm." She gave me a smile and a small love you before she darted out of the room. "Don't get pregnant!" I called after her just trying to embarrass her. "Shut up!" She yelled back to me. I chuckled lightly and made my own way out of the room.

I followed the hall and stairs back down to the first floor. I glanced around the wall to the kitchen and saw August standing there leaning against the countertop with his phone to his ear. "Alright you too...bye." He ran a hand down his face and a sigh left his lips. He mumbled something underneath his breath. He seemed a bit upset. He looked over my way quickly and then back at his phone. "Just my mother." He showed me the phone and I nodded simply. He turned back around and started to sift through one of the top cabinets. I walked further into the kitchen look around a bit more. I noticed some nicks and marks in one of the door jambs. I lightly touched over the marks and noticed small numbers and names written beside them.

They were height markers. I looked closely trying to make out the names. Damn, August was taller than I am now at age 13. I noticed two more names. They were smudged and hard to read but I think one was Sage. The other started with an F but I couldn't make out any other of the letters.
I should have done that with Val. I never even thought of doing something like that. "Are you hungry?" I was brought out of my thought by his question. "No, I'm fine." I went closer over to him. "You sure?" I nodded again as he continued to look through the cabinet. "Where are those chips?!" I put a hand up to my mouth trying to suppress a laugh. He must have heard and stopping looking and stared at me. "What?" The laugh finally bubbled out of me. I held onto the counter as I began laughing harder. "What?! Tell me!" I tried to calm my laughter and looked up at him. He had a huge smile on his face trying not to laugh as well. "Were they the sour cream and onion 0nes?" He nodded. "Val ate those. I'm sorry I can go buy you some more." A few little giggles still found their way past my lips.

Never in a million years would I have thought that I would have stood in Augusts kitchen laughing at him. That hate is still there but it's slowly getting outweighed by liking.

Hello!!! Thank you for being patient and waiting for the next chapter! Bye for now lovelies <3

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