Football Game Pt. 1

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Luis's POV

"No." He huffed and pushed his growing hair out of his eyes. "Please." I shook my head and stood up from the couch. "No, August." I picked up our plates we had finished a while before from lunch and began to walk to the kitchen. He followed after me like a puppy his hand sliding around my waist. "There wouldn't be a single person there I would know or frankly, that I want to see." The plates clattered together as I sat them down inside the sink. He pressed himself against me brushing my hair away from my face and tucking a few of the locks behind my ear. He nipped slightly at my ear making me groan slightly. His hands found themselves on my hips pulling himself closer to me. I shut my eyes tight and leaned into his touch. My hand snaked up and rubbed up and down his neck. His head moved lower placing small kisses and sucking on a few spots on my neck. I bit down down on my lip trying to conceal a few of my moans. "So?"

I harshly pushed him away and scowled. "You we're trying to seduce me into coming?!" He nodded without shame. "Did it work?" I flipped around and walked away from him slightly stomping. "No! It didn't!" He chuckled slightly and began following after me. "Besides! I'm going back." I continued to walk but August stopped dead in his tracks. "You aren't...staying?" He gave me a saddened stare. "Well no. I like living with my aunt and uncle. They treat Val and I right. We've already enrolled in the school we used to go to." He shook his head and took long strides over to me. "I can't be without you! I'll get sick again!" I thought for a second. Will he? Will he end up getting just as horrible as he was before. "I'll be a phone call away. Anyhow we won't leave things on a bad note so you won't get sick." I had absolutely so idea of that was true but I was just trying to get him off my back about staying because I am DEFINITELY not staying in this shit hole. He hesitantly believed my statement but I could still tell he had absolutely no intention of letting me go. "I'll go with you." This is the least I can do right? Go with him to a stupid football game? "It's a date. Got it?" I pointed a finger at him. He nodded enthusiastically and gave me a hug placing a kiss on my temple. "Great! Go get ready!" He pushed me towards the stairs urging me to get ready quicker.

We rode in a comfortable silence towards the school. I'm doing this for him. For us. Our relationship has been everything but easy. We constantly fought or one of us would go too far and end up hurting the other. It's been an endless cycle. I've been too sensitive and he has a hot temper that explodes without reason at points. Something has to give because like it or not we are stuck with each other. I gave in to going to the football game even though I didn't want to he did. That's how a relationship should work, right? Doing things that the other enjoys? I watched out the window and noticed a help wanted sign in the window of Doddies. My eyes widened with the sudden realization that I had just...left. I never quit or told him that I was leaving. I just stopped showing up. I glanced over at August who had his eyes focused ahead on the road. "On the way back...can we stop at Doddies?" My voice broke the silence we had been sitting in. He waited a moment before nodding his head yes and turning his head my way slightly giving me a small smile.

We arrived at the school with cars flooding the parking lot. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. I'll be fine. August will be with me the entire time. I kept telling myself this over and over. I eventually convinced myself that I'll have a good time and enjoy watching the game. "Ready to go?" I gave him a shaky nod and began to get out of the car. I closed the door gently behind me and wrapped my light jacket tighter around me. "Why are they having a game this time of year anyhow? Isn't football in September or something?" August pulled me close to him and snaked an arm around my waist his hand sitting on my hip. "I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure it's just a scrimmage but you know how word travels around here." I stayed silent as we walked up towards the gates that lead into the fed and bleachers. We stood in line waiting to pay for our tickets quietly until a heard my name called. "Luis?! Luis Murphy?!" I turned around and the voice seemed to belong to Mr. Pendle. He pushed through a few groups of teenagers and came right up to August and I.

"Where have you been?!" He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a bright smile. "I...I went to live with my...aunt and uncle." My voice turned quiet and I became nervous again. "Why didn't you tell anyone? Everyone was wondering where you and your sister went!" All I could so was nod. How come I lose all confidence I have when I'm talking to anyone but August? "It's almost out turn Mr. Pendle." August spoke up for me as the line moved along. When August spoke it was almost like he hadn't realized that he was there. "Luis are you-" August cut him off before he could make any accusations. "Come on Lu, it's our turn." August flipped us around and off we walked away from my teacher. I looked back to see him standing there with an extremely concerned look on his face. No one really knew about our relationship now but almost everyone knew about what it was before.

Hello!!! It's been about a week since I last updated, sorry it took awhile life has been crazy. Thank you so much for reading! Bye for now lovelies <3

Mr. Princess Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora