Water Bottle

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Luis's POV

"Here." August sat a bottle of water on the corner of my desk. "The meds make you dehydrated, remember?" I looked up at him with a dead stare. "I don't want it." I nudged the bottle back closer to him. I don't want his pity water. "You have to drink. The doctor said-" "I know what the doctor said." I snapped at him. His mouth hung open for a second before he closed it. "Leave me alone." I dropped my head and folded my hands in my lap neatly.

After the incident with my father and then at the hospital our relationship has been completely different. I used to have this overwhelming sense of fear when I see him but now there's nothing. I'm not scared when I see him. He tries to do anything and everything to "help" me but it's became annoying. I was only out of school for two days and expected to be welcomed back by a good old beating but instead August and his lackeys just watched me walk by without a single word to me.

I kept noticing this look that August gave me anytime I see him. I'm not sure if it's a pitying look or not but that's what I have narrowed it down to. He's not mad, confused or sad. It has to be pity. Yes, I have an abusive dad. Yes, I have burnt myself out by the ripe old age of 17 because I work to much. Yes, it fucking sucks. I spewed an entire lecture to August about it but now I wish I hadn't. I wish I never told him everything. I wish he had never found me that day.

"Yo! August!" Look at that. I haven't seen those douchbags in a while. If I remember correctly the taller one is named Carter and the short one is named Wayland. They have been expelled from school and doing community work for 2 months for having the bright idea to bring and sell I might add, weed. Those two idiots thought selling weed at school was a good idea. I still can't understand the thought process behind that decision.

The pair walked right up to him and started smacking him on the back. "Ahh look who it is! Loser Luis." I cringed at the nickname. I brought my head down hoping they would go away but of course they didn't. "Hey, what's this?" Wayland brought his hand up to my forehead and pressed on the bandage that covered my stitches. A pang of pain ran through my head from the harsh touch. I winced and shriveled back slightly. "Yeah what is that?" Carter was about to reach forward and touch the same spot but his hand was stopped immediately by August. "Don't." Was all he said.

"Why not! We've had to be model citizens for the past two months! Let us have fun!" The boy went to touch again but this time instead of his hand being stopped August pushed him back. My head shot up at the clatter of desks. "I said, don't." From all of the commotion it dragged peoples attention towards us. "What the hell man!" Lucas, one of Augusts usual lackeys came up to us. "First you tell Dylan and I not to not mess with Loser Luis, then you offer him a water, THEN you shove someone! What the hell is up with you?"

Oooo this is gonna be good. I looked up to see the gears in Augusts head turning trying to figure out an excuse. I snickered at him finding it funny that he couldn't even come up with a single explanation on why he's trying to be nice to me. I guess Lucas did not like the fact that I laughed a little and got real up and personal. He slammed his hands down on the desk I was sitting at and leaned down trying to look me in the eyes. I kept trying to avoid him at all costs looking anywhere but in front of me.

"What's so funny?" You. Is what I really wanted to say but instead I sat quietly. "Lucas. Stop." August's voice came above the slight chatter that had started to form. They were all talking about what was happening over here. I honestly just want them all to go away so I can sit peacefully.

"There you go! Protecting him again!" He squinted his eyes and looked between August and I. "What the hell happened on that trip?" My eyes widened slightly. Wow. Didn't think he would get it that fast. "Nothing happened. I'm tired. Ok? I'm tired and don't want to mess with him today." That was a stupid excuse. But I guess all of the boys around me are stupid because for some reason they all believed him and dispersed throughout that room. I was hoping August was going to go with them but of course he bent down right beside me. "Drink. The. Water." Then he stood and walked to the back of the classroom.

I sighed heavily running my hands down my face. I peeked at the water bottle that was still sitting on the corner of my desk. He is right in that aspect. I grabbed the water twisting of the cap and took a long drink. I put the water bottle down wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I didn't realize how thirsty I was. I took another big gulp before being done.

I could feel eyes on me as I drank. I turned just slightly to see August watching me. He mouthed "Good job Princess." I swiftly turned back around. My cheeks grew hot at the positive affirmation. Shit. Leave me alone for godsakes. I hate him. I really really hate him but I think deep down inside there is this little tiny flicker...of my liking for him.

So Luis has kind of admitted that somewhere deep in side he has feelings for August! Bye for now lovelies <3

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