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I could feel myself shrink down with fear. "Well well well, look who we have here little Luis." I heard August's voice and steps coming closer to the counter. I stepped back. He slammed his hands down on the counter. I jumped "look at me when I talk to you." Finally looking up at him. "Thats better." He had a devilish grin plastered across his face. His goons chuckled in the back. "Now...we are going to take what we want and YOU he shoved a finger into my chest making me wince "are going to pay for it." He stepped back making his way up and down the small aisles.

What and I supposed to do. Danny (the other worker here tonight) is in the back stocking and can hear jack shit with his earbuds in, so even if I yell he won't hear. If I try and make a run for it they'll catch me before I can even open the door.

I stood there frozen in fear. I seriously hate these guys. The other two are betas but are equally as arrogant as August. I look around to see them throwing things and pushing items off the racks and shelves. Assholes.

I heard the door jingle again. Please don't let it be another guy that follows August around. I slowly look up to see Val. What is she doing here? She had her hood pulled up and the strings tightened so it covered her face. Something wasn't right. I could feel it. "What's wrong?" She shuffled over to the counter. Her head hung low. "Val...what happened." She lifted her head so I could see her face. Her beautiful, lovely face was covered in bruises and cuts. My eyes widened and a very audible gasp left my lips. That caught the attention of August.

I couldn't say anything. I tried to muster out words but nothing came. My shaking hands reached for her face. I cupped her cheeks in my hands. Tears slipped out of my eyes. "My beautiful girl...what happened..." I managed to squeak out those few words. She gave a small smile. By this time August was leaning against the shelf right behind us. I didn't even notice he was there. "Dad..." she spoke. The sadness was replaced my anger. "She placed her hands over mine. "I'm know I just...look like mom." I wasn't there. I wasn't there to protect her. So many times he has tried to hurt her but I always stopped him. Damnit! Why wasn't I there!?

More tears fell. "'s my fault...I should have protected you." I head dropped. "What the hell are you talking about?! How in the fuck is this your fault!? He's just some drunk asshat who likes to beat up on his kids because he hates himself. It's not your fault, understand?" I shook my head. I looked back up noticing August in the back. "Please...please August I'm begging you...please don't tell anyone." His jaw was clenched tight. I had barely ever talked to him before now I'm begging him to keep a pretty big secret. He nodded. August nodded. Thank the gods he did. I turned my attention back to Val.

"Go sit behind the counter and we will head home together, ok?" She moved around the back and sat in the chair that was falling apart and had been here since forever. She pulled out her phone looking at her bruises. "So this is what it feels like, huh. I mean you always took the beatings for me even after I yelled and yelled at you to stop." "Well why wouldn't I. You are my little sister. I'll do anything to protect you." We smiled at each other. I pulled out the medical kit getting out bandages and ointment to help with the swelling. I carefully helped her apply it showing her how to correctly do it.

Ding. I looked up to see August standing at the counter his hand resting above the bell. I stood up approaching him cautiously. He threw a $50 bill over the counter. I looked at him confused. "That's for the stuff. Just uh, keep the change and also" he leaned in so we were closer. I pulled back but he caught the front of my shirt. Here it comes, the insults and or the punches. "I can smell your pheromones from the other side of the store. Those idiots couldn't tell because they're betas but I can. Keep it under control." He let go of my shirt stepping back and leaving the store. My pheromones? I shouldn't be releasing any. My heat isn't for a couple more days and it's always on time. Never late never early. Always on time.

I look back at Val who is watching me intently. She raised her eyebrows. "Who's that?" "Nobody" she scoffed "Yeah right." She left it at that and went back to her phone. That asshole. Stupid
dominant Alpha Asshole.

No knew important characters have been introduced so no pictures today 😢. Lucas and Dylen are the names of the two betas who follow August around if you all forget (being honest I had to go back and look what I had named them). Anyway bye for now lovlies <3

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