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Three. Three times. We stopped twice and had some sort of sex in gas stations or in the car and the other time know while he was driving. I couldn't really help myself. I hate him. God I hate him so much but every time he gives that look I just can't help it and fall in deeper and deeper.

His phone went off countless times with texts and calls from the other boys who rode with us there but never once did he pick up the phone. I didn't feel bad that we had left those two idiots back at the camp but I had this feeling of uneasiness. August was being too nice. I knew the second we got back he would continue to hurt me just like he always did. I was kind of...upset? Upset at the fact that I actually kind of liked doing all this stuff with him but probably never would again.

I watched out the window watching things slowly become familiar. The old run down bowling alley at the edge of town. The three children playing in the front yard that never seemed to go inside. The school. And soon my street. The old houses that sat all along the road. The neighborhood people avoided if they could. Where all the kids who have money come to mock. This oh so wonderful place that I called home.

August started to slow down. "Princess? What one is yours?" I was brought out of the daydream I was in by Augusts voice. "Oh..uh that one." I pointed to the tan one a few houses down from where we were. He nodded slightly and drove down to the house. We came to a slow stop right outside the house. I looked blankly towards the front door. I...I really don't want to go in there. It's already later. He's already black out drunk.

"Princess? Luis?" Shit. I was spacing out again. "Sorry. I'll leave now." I opened the door and stepped out onto the pavement. I moved to shut the door but of course August had to ask a question. I thought maybe it was going to be something sincere. Honestly! What's wrong with me! Why the actual hell would he be nice to me after these few days?

" aren't going to tell anyone, right?" Dickwad. I huffed and hung my head low. "No. I won't." My voice came out smaller and weaker than I had wanted but before I could make a fool of myself further I shut the door to the car and made my way up the cracked sidewalk. I stopped as I heard rummaging around inside. He's awake...

I'll be quite. I'll have to be extremely quiet. I tried as quietly as I could to open the door. Once I had shut it I looked back and forth trying to figure out were he was. I didn't see him in the kitchen or living room so I made a full sprint to my bedroom. Almost there! I'm almost-

"ACK-" I was brutally stopped when a hand reached out and held onto the hood of my jacket. It pulled tight in my neck making me choke. "Where the hell have you been?!" His voice was harsh and loud. He let go of my hood as a gasped for air. I coughed trying to catch my breath. "Where have you been?!" He was getting louder. I flinched at the sudden raise in his voice. "I...I had a school trip..." I managed to choke out. "Why didn't you tell me that?!" He delivered a hard blow to my stomach. Shit! I lost my ability to breath again.

I collapsed onto the floor holding tightly onto my stomach. He reached down grabbing my face. "Look at me when I talk you you! You useless boy!" He basically threw my head to the side causing me to hit the door jamb. My head began ringing almost immediately. He stalked off towards his room and slammed the door shut so hard the pictures on the walls shook. One fell off and I knew it was the one of my mother. The only picture I had of her...

I laid on the floor for what seemed like hours. The coolness of the linoleum floor felt nice against my temple. My head throbbed along with my heartbeat. I could tell that the bruise left on my stomach was purple already. My back ached and I struggled to breath. Every time I took in a deep breath it felt like my rib cage was clamping down.

I stared blankly at the wall never moving. I was almost scared to move. Would it hurt more? I hit my head, so if I stand up will I get dizzy and fall again? I'm not sure what to do. Val isn't here. She won't be home until tomorrow evening. I dared to move my head trying to find my phone so I could at least call her.

As I swiveled my head around carefully I caught a glimpse of it near the living room couch. I forced myself up so I was sitting. My head ran around in circles and my vision became odd. I...I just get to...the phone...

I pulled myself along the floor feeling myself starting to loose consciousness. I tried to stand up but miserably failed and crumpled back down the floor. As soon as my hand landed on the phone I clicked the number pad trying to get it open. As soon as I heard the faint click of it unlocking I pushed the phone app missing a few times before getting it.

At this point I could barely see what I was doing and started pushing buttons until the screen lit up signaling I had called someone. I heard it ring over and over. Why won't she pick up? Please...pick breathing became ragged and I laid back down on the ground. My eyes fluttering closed.


Who do you all think it is?!?! I don't have anything else to say so bye for now lovelies <3

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