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Luis's POV

Bonding. Bonds are links connecting one individual to another. They often take place as a physical claim on the body that results in a mental link between two people where the two people connected can feel each other's emotions. One of the individuals can become deathly ill or have an "attack" when the other is not near or the couple has had a relationship altering fight.

We have bonded. With only two weeks and a half with this asshat we had bonded. I'm honestly confused on how it happen because during these theses few weeks all we'd had done is fuck and fight. He acted sweet to me a couple times but nothing changes the fact of what he had done in the past. I have tried to push past it but he hurt me. Not only physically but emotionally as well. I honestly want to like him. I think I do, but all of those horrible memories come crashing back down as soon as I come back to my senses. I could probably try harder but I don't know if I want to. Bonds can not be broken. I remember learning about them in elementary school. Once you bond with someone you are with them for life. I can picture my teacher, Miss. Randal, walking around the classroom with her hands folded neatly in-front of her talking to all of us. She even did a model of sorts to show us. She wrapped string around mine and another child's arm tying them tightly. No matter how hard we pulled we weren't able to break apart. Now there were some obvious things we could have done like cut the string but that wasn't really the point. It was to show us that you were stuck. Stuck with that person until death. Maybe I should just kill August...

My thinking was interrupted by a soft knock on the drivers side window. I looked out at who it was and saw my boss standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. I put the window down sticking my head out a bit further so I could see him better. "Mr. Murphy, do you plan on going to work today or just sit out here and do nothing?" Is it time for work already?! I flicked my head back the other direction looking at the time on the radio. It read 10:17 pm. Shit. Was I really that out of it that I didn't realize I was supposed to go in almost twenty minutes ago? "Yes sir. I'm sorry." I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my few belongings out of the car before getting out completely. My boss, Holland Doddie, is a kind man but very strict. He has given me free food countless times and lets me work extra hours even though I'm technically not aloud to. He knows some aspects of my personal life like my dead beat dad, how I take care of Val and bits and pieces of school life. He has never once threatened to call the police or report my father. He's open but closed off. Does that make any sense?

I clipped my name tags on its usual place near my chest and walked out to the front counter. Now I play the waiting game. Holland doesn't like when the workers have their phones out during their shifts. He says it makes the business look bad if the employees are distracted by useless things as in cellphones. So to help pass the time I read. I will read anything and everything. From the labels on products to the moving and flashing signs across the street. I've worked here long enough that I can tell you what all of the signs say by memory. "Donald's Grill, open 7am to 7pm every weekday." I mindlessly read the signs aloud just waiting and hoping that someone will come through that door.

I watched person after person walk by not one giving a glance towards the store. I sighed and threw my head back. I hung my head bracing myself on the counter. Won't somebody please come in?! If I read those signs one time I swear I'll- DING DING. I snapped my head and look towards the door. In walked what seemed to be a couple. They were older but still very much in love. The omega who was honestly gorgeous hung onto the alphas arm and hugged closely up next to him. I would guess they were in their forties. I stood up straight and got ready to ring up their items.

"Hello!" I gave them a bright smile as they placed down some snacks in front of me. I scanned each one and put them into a plastic bag. Weird. These are all the ones August likes. I looked up at the man who was wearing a VERY nice suit. A beautiful necklace hung off of his wife's neck. That things probably costs more than my entire being. "Here you are sir, that will be $17.09." As he pulled out his metal card I about lost it. I put it into the machine while my eyes wandered back over to the necklace. It's so...pretty. "Do you like it?" The omega put his hands up touching it lightly. I nodded my head. "It's absolutely stunning." A huge smile crept its way onto his face. One dimple showing itself on the left side. August smiled just like that but his one dimple showed on the right side instead. "This young man has incredible taste! None of my children seem to think it's pretty."

It seemed to be a choker of sorts with pearls and gems around the entire thing. It was...breathtaking. I had never seen something so beautiful. It was a chunky necklace but still seemed very sleek. I placed the last few items they had bought into a bag and held it out for them to take. "Here you are! Have a wonderful day!" The man took the bag from me and looked dead into my eyes. I gulped as I sensed his pheromones. "Gale honestly!" His wife hit him on the arm and gave him a nasty look. "Stop that." His voice was stern as he looked up at his husband. "Have a nice day young man!" He pulled his husband that continued to stare at me out of the store. As soon as they were completely out of the store I let out a sigh of relief. His wife was so nice...yet he seemed cold.

Hello!!! It's been a minute since I updated! I would get ready because these next few chapter are going to be interesting. Anyways bye for now lovelies <3

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