I Did That

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DISCLAIMER!!!!!! There is talk about Self Harm in this chapter. Thank you.

Luis's POV

"Asshole!" I tried to call Val down as her voice began to climb. "I'm sorry! I really am, so please quite down!" I whisper yelled at her as we got stares from other patients and a few nurses that sat at the front desk a hundred feet away.

"Who the hell are you?" Her tone loud and accusatory. I sighed and dropped my head into my hands. "I'm August." He extended his hand for her to shake but all she gave him was a disgusted look. Her arms folded over chest and her mouth hanging open. "Val, close your mouth." She snapped her jaw shut and looked at me then back at August then to me again. "August? Where have I heard that name?" She looked me dead in the eyes knowing full well who August was. I am a shit secret keeper and Val always seems to get things out of me.

She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off before she started a full on physical fight with August. "Don't." She rolled her eyes and shut her mouth. August came closer to the bed and leaned down slightly. "I'm gonna go call my mom. She keeps blowing up my phone." I nodded and gave him a weak smile before he walked away pulling his phone out of his pocket and to his ear. As soon as he was far enough away Val pulled the curtain the rest of the way shut and glared at me.

"Why the actual hell is he here? Did he do this?" I gave her a disappointed look. "No. He did not do this. You know full well who actually did." She dropped into the chair that August had been sitting in just minutes prior. "He's never hurt us bad enough to end up in the hospital...what happened?" I swallowed hard and averted my eyes anywhere else. I focused on the pattern that covered the curtain. Small blue dots followed by white lines. It continued down the entire length.

"I'm not sure..." I began picking at my ring fingers nail. "I got home and...he was awake." Val watched me intently taking in every word I said. "He got...upset, that I didn't tell him where I was for the last couple days and..." my voice trailed off and looked back to Val. Tears sprung at my eyes and I became choked up. "And he grabbed my hood, hence the slight bruising" I motioned to my neck. Val leaned in just realizing that there were bruises. "He threw me down like he always does then he kicked my like he always does but then...he um..." I wiped the tear that has slipped from my eye away. "He grabbed my face and I think...I think he purposely threw me the way he did."

Val's eye twitched. Her knuckles were white from her clenching her fists. "Val...it's ok, I'm ok." She stood up abruptly her head down. "I'm done. Ok? I'm done. We are leaving. I refuse to be in that house any longer." I placed my hand on top of her fist. "We can't." She raised her head. She looked pissed. "And why the hell not?!" I sighed. "We don't have the money to leave yet." Her eyes softened slightly realizing what I was saying was true. "But soon. At the end of this year maybe." She now looked sad. I know she wants to leave. So do I. There's just no way I would be able to get us out of here with the money I have right now. "I'm sorry." She had laid her head down on the edge of the bed. Her body shook as she cried. I placed a hand on top of her head stroking it lightly. I bit my lip trying to make sure I wouldn't start crying as well.

The curtain was pushed back and I could see August peer in. He looked at Val then at me. "I'll uh...leave now I guess." I shook my head I motioned for him to come closer to me. He hesitated before making his way to the opposite side of the bed from Val. "Thank you." I looked up at him. He stared at me for a second before backing away from the bed slightly. "No. Don't thank me. I've been and absolute asshole to you. I've made your life even worse than it already is." He's right. He did. I would go to school and get beat up by him then go home and get beat up by my dad. "Your right. You did. I'm saying this now because I'm still on pain meds and might be slightly high and I don't think I will ever have the courage to say this to you ever again so here it is. You made life hell. You made me hate school. You made it so I had no safe place to go." I looked over at Val who was now sleeping. She must have cried herself to sleep.

"I hate you August. You have used and abused me. Did you know that I...that I cut myself?" His eyes went wide and I could see how uncomfortable he had gotten. "I had cut myself right here. I pointed to the inner of my thigh. "You. You are the reason I did that." I pointed a finger at him. Tears had started to roll down his face. "I did it because I thought I deserved all of the pain in my life. My mother dying, my father being abusive, you constantly telling me how weak I am. But I'm not weak." His hand covered his mouth trying to conceal the cry's threatening to escape his lips.

"I got a job so I could put food in her stomach. So she could have clothes that were like others. That were new and nice without stains. I worked to the point that I had only been getting an hour or two of sleep every other day. I did that. Thank you so much for all you have done for me. For saving my life. But yes, now you need to leave." The tears never stopped trailing down his face as he left. All the sudden I had a realization. Shit! Did I really just say all of that?! I cover my mouth trying to comprehend what kind of drugs these were to make me fuck up that bad.

A hand raised beside me. Val turned her head and gave me a big smile. "High five man." I connected our hands and laughed slightly at her. I leaned back in the hospital bed. I'm so tired I could sleep for years. I tried to rest but all I could think about was what was going to happen when I see August again...

Well that was a lot....hope you are enjoying the story so far! Bye for now lovelies <3

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