The Phone Call

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Augusts POV

Two months. It has been two months without speaking or let alone seeing Luis. In the beginning I had no idea that it would have been this hard not being with him but now I was about to lose it. I needed him. I needed to touch him. I needed to breathe in that intoxicating scent that he has. I wanted to hold him and kiss him. I clung to his shirt that I had ever since the hospital incident. His smell was slowly fading away and he left absolutely nothing behind. He took every last thing that he had touched or wore. For the first couple weeks I sat in the chair in the living room not moving. It was the last place he had sat in the house and I could still faintly smell his pheromones if I focused hard enough and took deep breaths. But after three weeks the smell was completely gone so I got his shirt back out. I slept with it every night with it tucked under my head. Did this make me creepy? Or weird? Probably. But I couldn't not sleep with it. It was all I had left of him.

The continuing pain that had slowly crept from one side of my chest to the other was beginning to be too much. I struggled to leave my bed. I couldn't breathe well enough to do any sort of physical activity. Walking down the stairs was even a chore. My mother had been leaving me food in my room for the past few weeks but I barely touched it. I couldn't even muster up enough energy to turn over in bed let alone eat anything. At one point he had force fed me oatmeal while cursing. Not sure if he was cursing at me or something else but I couldn't care enough to listen. My brother tried to get me up after a month but it was all useless. I wasn't going to get up. I couldn't. I know they are all worried but I hurt. I hurt everywhere. My head hurt from replaying what I had said to Luis over and over. I felt sick knowing that I had said that to him purely out of anger. I didn't even mean it. Obviously I didn't mean it but I said I still said it. I will never forget that look on his face when those horrible words came out of my stupid mouth.

There was a soft knock on my door before I heard it open. "August?" My brothers voice sounded calm yet had a bit of urgency to it. "You know...schools starting again here soon. Do you want to go shopping with me?" I shook my head no. Really! Can't they just leave me alone?! "Come on dude. You have to get up sooner or later." I didn't respond I just pulled the covers up further around my head. "This is not healthy! When was the last time you ate? Or even got out of bed?!" I was too tired to deal with him right now. "Just...leave me alone." I whispered out the last part really hoping he would turn around in leave but of course he didn't. "Im not leaving! You are gonna get outta bed. Now." He stomped over to me and yanked the blankets off of my body. I still didn't move. It hurt too much. "Now August! You are killing yourself!" Maybe that's what I wanted. The pain was getting unbearable now and all I wanted was for it to stop. I heard Sage sigh and he dropped down onto the corner of my bed. "I talked to Luis." At the mention of his name I rose my head. "You...talked to him? Is he doing ok?" He let out a soft chuckle before looking over at me. "What did you do to him? In the past I mean?" I laid there frozen. Did Luis...tell him something?

This is the phone call between Sage and Luis. Luis's words will be in italics.

Was it wrong or me to go through my brothers phone and find the number I needed? Maybe, but this is hopefully going to get him out of his bed. I dialed the number and put it up to my ear as it rang. The first time he didn't pick up and he didn't pick up the second time either. I huffed and clicked on the number once more. Third times a charm, right? It rang and rang and at this point I was almost ready to give up but then there was a small hello from the other line. "Hi! Is this Luis?" Silence. "Hello?" "Yes it is, who is this?" I let out a huge sigh of relief. "Great! I'm Sage, Augusts brother and-" he cut me off at the mention of August. "Did August tell you to call me?! Because if he did tell him to fuck off. I've had enough of his bullshit!" I was taken back by his sudden outburst. "No, he doesn't know I've called you. I just thought you might be able to help." There was some talking on the other line and I could here an older women asking who was on the phone. He then began to speak again. "I'm not helping him anymore." I threw my head back. "Please! He's dying!" The line went silent again. I thought he might have hung up but he spoke. "He's...dying?" That might have been a bit of an exaggeration but he would eventually kill himself if he didn't get up. "Yes, and he needs you." There was a mocking laugh on his side. "He needs MY help?! Fuck him. Ok? He has done so much for me but that doesn't make up the YEARS of abuse he put me through. I'm done." Then he hung up the phone. I stood there in disbelief not really sure what had just happened. He didn't care? Isn't August who he's bonded with? Is he not sick?!

I bit back a groan. Come the fuck on. I slammed my phone down on the counter and sighed heavily. That was my one and only idea. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? I shook my head mentally cursing. I took a deep breath and got ready to try and get August out of bed once more. I don't know how much longer it will take to get him out of bed but I was determined to do so.

Hello!!! Sorry it has been awhile since I posted but life is crazy right now. Thank you so much for reading!! Bye for now lovelies <3

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