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The day of the trip.

"Make sure you help out and thank them. Also here's some money, give it to them. It's not much but it's almost all the cash I had." I opened her hand placing the money on her palm. "Yes I promise." She placed a kiss on my cheek. I gave her a hug and grabbed my bag. "Wait! Do you have your represents?" "Yeah I put them in my bag last night." She gave me a smile and nodded. I finally headed out the door and made my way to the school.

Val was going to stay with a friend of hers. I hadn't heard of this friend but she insisted that he was a good person. I even went to meet him and his parents. He was a small beta but a kind boy. His parents knew about our situation and how I didn't feel comfortable about leaving Val alone for 4 days with our dad. Both of them were very understanding and even offered to help us out but I refused.

I was told, mainly through being punched and kicked, that I needed to be at the school at 8:00 so we could meet up and head out to be there by 10 giving us some extra time. We didn't have to be there until 11 but knowing August, Dylen, and Lucas were the ones I was riding with it was going to be a very long and painful car ride. Both mentally and physically.

I got to the school seeing that an all black mustang was sitting on the curb. I rounded the car carefully opening the passenger side door. Seeing August in the drivers seat and Dylen and Lucas sprawaled out across the back seat sleeping soundly. I slide in the car closing the door and buckling. I held my bag to my chest. I nervously bounced my leg biting on my nails. I didn't dare to make a sound, scared that August would get mad or the boys in the back would wake up.

After around an hour of driving August pulled into a gas station. Both of the boys were still sleeping. They obviously weren't morning people. Throughout the drive I noticed that I started to feel hot. "Hey uh...I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick." He waved me off muttering something under his breath. I got out heading into the gas station. I pushed open the door to the bathroom. I leaned in the sink looking at myself in the mirror. Fuck. Fever, Dizzy spells, trouble breathing, pheromones coming out like crazy. I'm in heat. It's early. It's never been early. Suppressants. I need my suppressants. I raced back out to the car. I dug through my bag. Where are they? I had them. I swear! I dig through pulling clothes out. They aren't here. I forgot them.

I felt eyes on me. I looked up. My face was hot. August was taken back by the sudden pheromones. He looked me up and down. I stared him dead in the eyes. Fuck. When did he get hot? I backed up and ran back inside the store. I rushed around trying to find the suppressants. I finally found them on a display case in the corner. I looked down the shelves. No no no. None of these work for me. Are u kidding me?! What the hell. The door jingled and August stepped in. I can't deal with that asshole right now. I ran back to the bathroom locking myself in a stall. The door squeaked as it opened. The steps neared the stall I was in. They stopped every couple seconds looking in each stall. They stopped right in front of the one I was in.

"Luis...stop with the pheromones." I put my head in between my knees. "I can't." My breathing was rapid and sweat was dripping from my face. "I'm gonna go crazy here in a second...open the door." Why the fuck would I open the door for him? He's probably gonna beat me up. My nose filled with a scent I hadn't smelled before. It was dark and heavy. With a hint of an earth smell. It smelled so good. So incredibly good. I stood and shuffled to the door. I slowly slid the lock over letting the door swing open. August stood there his cheeks red. His eyes had a glow of green. Not like a natural green but actual green. He looked down at me. He grabbed my shoulders shoving both me and him into the stall. He locked it behind him. Shit, this is where I die. I was an inconvenience so he's gonna beat me up. He slammed me against the wall making me wince slightly. I was getting ready for the impact of his face but something much different came. He laid his head down on my shoulder.

"Why do you do stuff like this?" I didn't answer. "Why do you release your pheromones like that. Do you even know how good they smell?" I stood there frozen. "It smells like vanilla and cinnamon. It's so sweet. I love sweet things." He turned his head so he was facing my neck. "I bet you taste sweet too." What? What the hell did he just say. "August I don't know what's going on but- AHH" I slapped a hand over my mouth. What was that? What was that feeling? There it was again. I bit down on my finger.

August reached up holding my face in between his hands. It was him. He kissed and nibble on my ear. Not hard enough to mark. He moved down to my neck. He kissed and bit all over. At some point he made at least 3 hickeys. How am I going to cover these up? I let go of that thought as soon as he kissed my jaw. Damn. What am I supposed to do now?

Hello! This chapter is a tad longer than my previous ones. I thought I should sprinkle some drama in there so here we are. I hope it was ok. Bye for now lovlies <3

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