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I slid down the wall pulling my knees up to my chest hugging them. The tears fell from my eyes landing on the back of my shaking hands. I felt the drip of my blood down my forehead to my cheek and running down my neck. I lightly touched the back of my neck where I know the bruises had already started to form.

I slowly started to pick myself up. The pang of pain from my head and neck ran through my body as I stood fully. I dragged my feet as I walked to the bathroom. Slowly but surely I got out bandages and rubbing alcohol cleaning up my forehead. I opened the bottle of ibuprofen shaking out four and taking them.

I went back to the kitchen getting a gallon size zip-lock bag and placing ice into it. I wrapped it in a thin dish towel and went to my room. I placed the bag of ice on my pillow. I gingerly laid down placing me head down carefully positioning the ice around my neck.

At least I had long enough hair to cover the back of my neck. That bastard. He could have at least not hurt me in a visible place. Usually its my back or stomach .He's careful. He makes sure that you can never see them. Tonight though, he must have been extra drunk.

It also doesn't help that he's almost a foot taller then me and a way bigger build. He could easily over-power me with no trouble.

I must have fallen asleep during all my thinking because the next thing I knew I was being shook awake by Val.
"First off what the hell happened to you and second school starts in 20 minutes." I sighed rubbing my eyes and lightly touching my forehead feeling the bump that had formed. Val placed her hand on my forehead. "God, you're buring up." I swatted he hand away. "I'm fine." I sat up running my fingers through my hair. "Is your heat coming?" The concern in her voice and the worry in her eyes made me smile slightly. "No, I still have a week." She nodded but I could tell she didn't fully believe me.

I got up showered quickly and pulled on a simple outfit. I undid my hair from the loose ponytail and laid it down my neck and pulled some peices out to cover the spot on my forehead. I heard Val call my name from in the kitchen. I went out to see her standing there with a toaster waffle in her hand. She looked up from her phone when she noticed me standing in the doorway.

"Here." She threw the waffle at me. I barely managed to catch it. "Thanks..." she raised her eyebrows at me. "Oh shut it my hands are clean. I held up my hands in defense. "I didn't say anything." She laughed and poked me in the side. "Let's go, we are already late." I grabbed the keys to the car slinging my bag over my shoulder.

I pulled into the school parking lot with a couple minutes to spare. Val and I got out going into the school in a comfortable silence. I gave her a small smile and she gave one back as we parted ways.

I walked quietly down the hall dodging in and out of the hordes of students to busy talking to notice anyone else but each other. I finally reached my locker. I opened it pulling out the few books I needed. I continued on my way to my first period class. I sat down just as the bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom.

"Listen up! I have scheduled a 3 night 4 day trip for you ungrateful children. You will be excused from your other classes and any after school clubs." Mr.Pendle. The science teacher. He was one of the only ones who didn't look at me like some freak when we moved here. He is also new this year so I feel like he pitys me.

"You all have to get into groups of 4. These groups will be your cabin buddies as well as the group you will be doing all the activities with." I looked around to see everyone talking to each other and getting into groups. Great. I'll be the last choice and probably get stuck with people I-"Luis? Do you have a group?" Mr.Pendle looked at me and others joined. I shook my head no and he looked around the room his eyes landing on the only group without 4 people. Shit shit shit. No, anyone but them. He sighed. "You'll be with Lucas, Dylan and...August." Damnit. I'll be dead. Mr.Pendle knew that. He gave me a look of sympathy as the 3 boys hit each others shoulders and snickered. No no no.

"The trip will be next week. All of your parents already know. I suggest getting together in your groups and deciding how you will get to the camp. All of you are old enough to get there on your own. It's about 2 hours away so make sure you are good with your groups."

2 hours in a car with them? No fucking way.

Hello again! Above is August again not exactly how I pictured but I like him. He's a dominant alpha. I'll do some character descriptions as we get further in the book and meet more people. Bye for now lovlies <3

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