Right Direction

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Luis's POV

He held me so tightly that I could barely breathe. He had been refusing to let go or at least loosen his grip for the last hour. I still had my shoes on and the position we were in was anything but comfortable but I just let him be. He snuggled his nose far down into the crook my my neck and had been taking huge deep breaths nonstop. I soon realized he was trying to smell as much pheromones as he could so I made it a bit easier and released a lot. I knew the room would be almost suffocating with the amount of pheromones I was letting out but if it made him feel better then it was ok. I tried to kick my shoes off but I tied the laces too tight. I huffed in annoyance. "Am I smothering you?" His quiet voice was hoarse like he hadn't been talking at all. "No. It's fine, I'm just a little uncomfortable. I can't get my shoes off." I leaned my head on his and sighed. "Just a few more minutes and I'll let you go." A little chuckle slipped past my lips. He said that exact same thing a half hour ago. I fell deeper into his touch and aloud my eyes to slowly flutter shut. My breathing turned into shallow breaths and soon enough I had drifted off to sleep being encased in a large set of arms.

I'm not exactly sure how long we had both been asleep but I was woken up by the soft knocks on the bedroom door. I heard a voice from the other side but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I glanced over to August seeing him sleeping soundly. His grip had loosed just slightly and I was now able to slip out from between his arms. I stumbled slightly as I got myself out of his grasp. I pushed my hair away from my face and remembered the knock at the door. I shuffled over to it picking up a few things on my way. I opened the door to see a younger guy, still older than August and I, standing there. August and him looked extremely similar so I was assuming it was his brother. "Uh...August is still sleeping." His brother, Sage, if I remembered correctly, stood there with a surprised yet confused look on his face. "You...you are here." His eyes softened and he wrapped me in a tight hug. He laid his head down onto my shoulder as I stood there frozen. This family is extremely touchy. "I can't believe you are actually here." I could tell that relief had just flooded his body. His shoulders relaxed and he sighed heavily. "Yep, I'm here." I laughed nervously and pulled away from him. He still kept a hand on my shoulder while he looked some directly in the eyes. I gave him a small smile not really knowing what else to do.

"Mine." I was yanked away fully from his touch by August who sat on his knees on the end of his bed. "You're up!" August didn't seem to care much about what his brother was saying he just pulled me closely to his chest. "August!" Oh great a whole family reunion. His mom stood with his hand touched to his chest. I couldn't see his face considering August had mine smashed into his chest holding onto my tightly. "I want you to leave." August pulled us both back down into the bed. "We are just happy to see you up!" Sages excited voice moved closer. "Go away Sage." August gave a hard yank to the blanket and covered us both up  completely sheltering me away from his mother and brother. "That is the first time in over two months that we have seen you sitting up! Can't you let us-" Augusts jaw clenched. "Stop! Just leave!" He moved down the bed further and wrapped his arms around my middle. His head buried into my chest. I mouthed "I'm sorry" to both his mother and brother. They both just shook their heads and left the room quietly. His mother hesitated a second before closing the door behind himself.

I thwacked August lightly on the head. "What was that?!" I could almost feel the eye roll he had given me. "It's fine if you don't want to talk to them but you don't have to be rude about it. They are worried about you." He tilted his head so I could see his face. "They don't have to worry, I'm fine." He snuggled down again and sighed lightly. I ran my fingers slowly through his shaggy hair that was obviously not getting cut like it had been. "I would kill to have someone other than my sister worry about me like that." I whispered out the statement and continued to finger comb his hair out. We laid there for only a couple more seconds before he sat up in the bed. He gave me a hurt look. "What's wrong? Do you not feel well?" My hands cupped his cheeks. "I worry about you like that." I small smile found its way to my lips. "You do?" He nodded quickly. "Of course I do. How couldn't I?" I leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss to his lips. "I have a question for you." He gave me an anticipated gaze. "How long has it been since you were out of this room?" His eyes drifted away from mine trying to avoid the question. "August. How long." He looked at me and dropped his head. He's turning into me. He mumbled out something I couldn't understand. "What?" He huffed. "I don't know!" I raised a brow at him. "You don't know? Are you sure?" He gave me a nasty look. "I'm not sure! Maybe like...two months?" My mouth dropped open. "Two months?!" He nodded sheepishly.

"Do you want to go to dinner with me? My treat!" Our eyes met again. I could see him thinking. I know it's been awhile since he's been out but if I don't get him out now he will never leave. He gave me a small nod. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Perfect! We need to get you ready then." I could see the nervousness on his face clearly. I took his hand in mine and led him out of bed. "Do you want to just order and eat somewhere quiet?" I could see some of the nerves dissipate. "That would be better." I looked around the room. When we get back we will definitely have to clean up this mess. I watched as he slowly sifted through one of his dresser drawers. This is a step in the right direction.

Hello!!! It's been only a couple days since I last uploaded! I hope you are enjoying the story so far!!! Anyways bye for now lovelies <3

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