Why I Hate The Mall

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Luis's POV

The last week of living with August

"Ugly...dreadful...ew what the fuck even is that?!" I gave Val a disapproving look as she sifted through the clothes on the rack. I decided that it wasn't even worth getting after her considering that every time I tell her not to cuss she still does. I began looking through the clothes as well noticing that absolutely nothing here was worth buying. She was right these are dreadful. "Val, let's go look at another store nothing here is worth it." She gave me a very enthusiastic nod. She followed closely behind me as I walked out of one store and began walking down the long hall of the mall. Normally I wouldn't even get within twenty miles of the mall but Val instead on going saying that she had gift cards to a few different stores that happened to only be in the mall. So now I was stuck in torture weaving my way in and out of the large hoards of people who also decided that 8:00 am on a Thursday was the best time to go shopping.

We were on spring break finally after those long months of being at that wretched place. We were only off for a week but it was better than nothing. I bit my nail as Val directed me towards the door of another store. I was stressed out about trying to find a place we could sleep that I had gotten no sleep. I tossed and turned all night never laying still until Val hit me in the face with a pillow telling to either stop moving or she would make me stop moving. I wasn't able to rent an apartment without being 18 and getting emancipated would take longer then just waiting to turn 18. The option for now is the car. We will only have to live in the car for a month or two at most then I'll be 18 and find us an apartment. I haven't told Val about the car but I know she'll understand. She always does.

"Lu, is this cute?" She held up a yellow shirt with a bouquet of flowers near the middle. I cocked my head to the side. "Hold it up to yourself." I took a step closer as she moved the shirt up against her middle. It complemented her darker complexion nicely and looked to be the right size. "Yeah, it's cute. Get that one." She nodded and laid it over her arm pushing more shirts aside as she looked. She picked out two more shirts and a pair of shorts. Luckily the gift card she got covered it all. "Lu?" I hummed as a response. I continued to walk not paying much attention. "Luis!" I swiftly turned around as the sound of distress was evident in her voice. She stood there frozen. I rushed over to her grabbing onto her arm. "Val?" I looked at her and rocked her eyes locked in on someone a couple hundred feet away from us. I glanced over to try and I understand what was happening.

There he stood. Bruises still clear on his face. I stood there frozen with her. Shit. Shit shit shit. He was talking to an older women who looked oddly familiar but I wasn't sure who it was. "Lu...call August." I nodded reaching for my phone. Not once did either of our eyes leave him. I clicked on his contact swallowing harshly. I raised the phone to my ear still looking at that man. It only rang twice before I heard that same voice. My body almost immediately relaxed. "Hello?" I took a deep breath for answering. "Can you um..." I struggled to get the words out. "Luis? What's wrong?" There was shuffling on the other end. "Our dad. He's here. At the mall." This is why I hate the mall. I didn't even have to tell him what we needed. "I'll be right there don't move, ok? It'll be ok I'll be right there." I grabbed Val's hand and lead her over to a bench. We both still stared dead straight at him. "Stay on the phone with me please." I needed reassurance. I needed to be able to hear his voice. "Absolutely. Im getting in the car. What store are you guys near so I know where to go." I peeled my eyes away from him and looked at the store on the opposite wall. "Forever 21."

He stayed on the phone with me the entire time telling me over and over that he would be there soon and that nothing bad was going to happen. I wanted to hate him so much but when he acts like this I can't help but fall deeper and deeper in love with him. Not only does he do everything to protect me he would do just as much for Val. He was the one who gave Val all of those gift cards. I saw him trying to buy them in secret but he sucks at hiding things. Unless it's his emotions or what he's thinking. He makes me want to kiss him then punch him at the same time. He frustrates me till no end but every time that face comes into my vision I can't help but do what he wants. I hate him but not like I used to. I hate him for making me fall so hard for him.

"Luis! Val!" All thoughts left my head as I saw that big dummy standing there with a huge smile on his face. "Hey guys, it's ok." He came closer to us and put a hand on each of our shoulders. "How about we go home?" We nodded in unison. "I'm sorry for making you come all the way here." He took ahold of my hand and linked arms with Val to make sure he didn't loose her in the crowds of people. "Stop that. I completely understand. It's ok." He gave me a warm smile. I walked closer to him taking a deep breath on of his pheromones. My body relaxed more and more. I felt so safe with him.We are ok now.

He got us into his car saying that we will come back and get ours later in the day when our dad would be gone.  the car ride back to the house was silent. A comfortable silence. I watched out the window not look at anything in particular. I wasn't very interested in anything outside. I wasn't interested until we pulled up outside the house and saw an unfamiliar car. "My brother might be home...I'll deal with it." We all got out of the car but I cautiously followed behind August with a tight grip on Val's arm. As the door swung open I saw the familiar glimmer of that necklace that I loved so much.


Hello!!! Another update!!! Look at that!!! If you are looking for another story to read I suggest A Darlings Heart by BoogieBear19! Anyways bye for now lovelies <3

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