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Luis's POV

Augusts leg bounced constantly. At points I thought it might stop but then it would start right back up. I watched him intently the entire time I stood in line for our food. He were supposed to order and pick it up but it would be almost and hour for pick up. It was faster to just stand in line and order this way. I had sat August down in a booth where I could see him while I stood in line. Every once in a while our eyes would meet and I would give him a small smiles he would return it but quickly go back to whipping his he was around looking at anything and everything. He would watch every person that walked near him and then focus on something completely different. He hasn't been out of the house let alone his room in two months. The only people had had seen were his family. I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth as I watched him. As soon as our eyes met again his gaze changed. His eyes drifted down to my lip. I bit down harder. I knew the imprint of my teeth would be extremely noticeable but if he focused on me then it would be better. His eyes darkened as he watched me. A smirk grew on my lips. I shook my head and was going to look away but he kept his eyes locked with mine. He stood up slowly and walked over to me with wide strides.

He reached me in no time and leaned down so I could feel his breath on my ear. "Why are you so distracting?" I could feel my cheeks heat up immediately. "Stop doing that." I released my lip and dropped my head lower trying to hide the blush that covered my cheeks. "At least you are focused on one thing now." I tilted my head up slightly to look at him. "I definitely am." I tried to hide my giggle my hand. I looked ahead a noticed that we were next to order. "What are you gonna get?" We both looked up at the menu in sync. "I already told you." I rolled my eyes at him. "I know but what if you changed your mind?" He shook his head and continued to look at the menu. "Nope I'm sticking with what I originally wanted." I gave a simple ok as we finally made it to the ordering counter. "I'll have a number eight and he will have..." I waited for his answer. When nothing came out I looked over at him. He was giving me a deadly glare. "He'll have the number two." I finished my sentence and looked over at him again. I gave him a "are you serious" look but he just purposely avoided eye contact. "Alright that'll be $13.68." I pulled out the crumpled cash I had in my pocket and started to count out the right amount of money. "I got it." I couldn't even protest by the time he had swiped his card. "Here's your order number please listen for when it's called." I nodded and gave the worker a thank you.

I glared at him while we sat in the same booth that he was sitting in earlier. He was doing something on his phone trying to distract himself from all of the people hustling by. "I can feel your eyes on me." I leaned back in the booth and huffed. "I was supposed to pay. I said I would pay." He laughed slightly and looked up from his phone. "That's what you are upset about?" I nodded my head quickly. "Then you can pay when we get ice cream after." I thought for a second deciding if I wanted to take this offer. "Ok." We sat in a comfortable silence waiting for our food. Every once in a while he would show me a video that he thought was funny. It was nice just to sit here and not talk. It was Al going so well until I heard those annoying voices a few feet behind me. As soon as I heard the phone laugh my head shot up and I looked at August who was also looking around. His eyes fixed behind me and stayed there for a couple seconds before he dropped them. "I haven't seen them all summer. They constantly bugged me but I just made up an excuse every time they wanted to hang out." I nodded as I listened. "Should we just leave?" He thought for a moment before shaking his head no. "I doubt those two Idiots will even know I'm here." I agreed with him and was going to ask another question about the boys but our order number got called. I stood up and tried my best to avoid Lucas and Dylan.

I grabbed the to go bag of food and made a b-line for the door. August quickly saw where I was going and followed right behind me almost making me trip with how close he was behind me. We pushed through the door and went straight for my car. I listened for the familiar click signaling it was unlocked and jumps in locking my door immediately behind me. Even if I wasn't scared of August much anymore those asshats still make me extremely uncomfortable. August shifted around slightly getting comfortable before taking the bag of food out of my lap and going straight for his box of fries. "I didn't realize how hungry I was." He chowed down on his fries badly taking a breath. "Slow down or you'll choke." I looked up and down his body. It did look like he had lost weight. His face was thinner along with his stomach and the usual defined muscle lines were faint. I bit back the urge to ask. At least he's eating now. I started the car and backed out of the parking lot making our way to the ice cream shop a couple minutes down the road. The ride was silent with the faint words of the radio in the background. I kept my eyes focused on the road so I didn't look over at him. I've noticed myself constantly watching him and it's becoming an obsession. I've only been back for a day and I can already feel myself falling deeper and deeper for him...again.

Hello!!! I got another chapter out already!!! Look at me go! Hope you have been enjoying the story so far! Bye for now lovelies <3

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