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Luis POV

I scrubbed and scrubbed. My hands felt raw and sore. I have tried all of the cleaning sprays in our house yet none of them got the stain out of the carpet. It had gone from dark red to a light pink. I would have just left it but anytime I caught a glimpse of the spot my head throbbed and I felt the pain. I had been scrubbing at the stain for days. I just, I needed it to be gone.

I carried the grocery bag with the small bottle of bleach sloshing around. This has to work. Isn't that what bleach is for? Getting rid of stains and shit? I pulled the keys out of my back pocket unlocking the door to the convenience store. I had the opening shift today. It was currently a week after I had been let out of the hospital and I had picked up weekend opening shifts compared to my normal late shifts. Not only was I trying to get money for us to leave I now had hospital bills to pay for and let me tell you. They are anything but cheap.

I sat the bag with bleach in it down and pulled off my light jacket. I grabbed my name tag that was clipped onto a piece of fabric that hung low on the wall. I pinned it onto the left side of my hurt up near my shoulder. I sighed and went to the front counter. I put the money back into the cash register that had been taken out just in case and kept in a locked box in a bag. I rounded the counter once more and flipped the sign to open.

I wasn't even able to make it back to the counter fully before the bell above the door dinged signaling someone had entered. Where they waiting outside and I didn't notice? I huffed hoping it was not some bitch who wanted to start a fight this early in the morning. I was bout to look who had came in when my phone began to ring. I looked at the number not recognizing it. For some reason I felt the need to pick up though. "Hello there, is this Gordon Murphy?" My dad? They need to talk to my dad? "Yes this is." I had changed every important number regarding the house, the school, or bank to mine just so I knew everything that was going on.

"Hello, I'm Taylor and I am with Pillon Banking and I have some information regarding the home you currently reside in, which is 6715 Hord St. correct?" I swallowed harshly. "Yes that's correct." There was some shuffling around in the other side almost like she was sifting through papers. "You rent that house correct?" Oh my god. "Yes." Some more shuffling. "The landlord, Terry Milovich, is foreclosing the three houses that he currently owns and that address is one of them. You will need to be moved out by the end of the month. Thank you!" My mouth hung open.

"No! You can't just kick us out like that! Do you even understand?! How the hell will I find another place for us?!" She must have hung up because the line went dead. I slowly took the phone away from my ear. I sat completely still. Is this real? Are we really going to get kicked out? My hands shook as I brought them up to my face placing them over my eyes. Tears threatening to run down my cheeks. I took deep breath after deep breath trying to calm myself. "" I mumbled to myself.

THUMP! The person who had entered minutes prior sat their things onto the counter. I sniffled and started to grab the items scanning them one after another never looking at the customer. In all honesty I was trying to hide the fact that I was crying. I finished scanning the items and began placing them into a bag. I picked up the bag put it on the counter and finally looked up. "That'll be $17.09-" The all to familiar boy standing in front of me looked me dead in the eyes. "So I overheard-" I shook my head cutting him off. "I don't want your pity...again." He gave me a confused look. "First off I'm not pitying you and secondly when did I pity you before?"

"The water." He racked his brain trying to remember what I was talking. "You idiot! Are you serious?!" I was taken back by his sudden outburst. "I wasn't giving you that water because I was pitying you I was worried you were gonna be dehydrated!" He was yelling again. I didn't notice but I started to bring myself in. I dropped my head folded my hands in front of me and began to whisper out responses. "Oh...I'm sorry..." he huffed and ran his hand down his face. "Stop that." I wasn't doing anything. "Stop putting your head down like that. Why do you always do that?!"

I bit the inside of my cheek. I don't know why I do it. It's always been a natural reaction. Whenever someone starts yelling I put my head down hoping that I'll just disappear. It sometimes helps detour my dad so he doesn't get as violent but it never worked on August. I wished it did. I dug my nails into the skin of my hands trying to calm myself. I could feel my breathing become light and my head filled with everything. August, my father, Val, school, work, the trip. Everything. I let my hands go and brought them up to my chest and throat. I can't breath! I can't breath!

I gasped for air trying to calm myself down but nothing worked. I couldn't do it! Then a feeling of release. As those big arms wrapped tightly around me and flooded my nose with his pheromones. "It's alright...shhh...breathe" he continued saying this same thing over and over squeezing me tight. "Come live with me." I had just caught my breath but that statement pulled it right back out of me.

A little turn of events there at the end! Hope you are enjoying so far! Bye for now lovelies <3

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