Chapter 6 :The answer

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"How come no one met us at the door?" Ginny asked

"Your dad told me to just go in to the dining room" Draco shrugged as he and Ginny walked silently down the hall; the only sound was the clicking of Ginny's shoes against the hardwood floor. They entered into the dark dining room, where only a few candles lit the room.

"Nobody is here!" Ginny exclaimed. "Where is everyone? It's not like Hermione to be late." Ginny added as she looked around the dining room. The curtains were drawn back to give the dark night a beautiful glow.

"This is strange." Draco nodded his head as he fidgeted with his hands in his pocket. "I have to admit that I'm happy that no one is here yet." Draco added.

"What? Why?" Ginny asked looking annoyed that it seemed that her family had hoodwinked her.

"Well because we barley had any time spent together, where it was just you and me." Draco smiled and wrapped his arms around Ginny's waist. Ginny smiled and turned around to face Draco.

"I guess you're right. We haven't had any time to ourselves." Ginny smiled widely and stared into Draco's blue eyes. Even in the low light of the candles Ginny could tell that they were a sparkling blue. That usually meant that he had something up his sleeve. "What are you up too?" Ginny asked smiling.

"I have no idea what you're talking about?" Draco said sarcastically.

"You have that look about you, where you have something to say." Ginny smiled.

"You caught me!" Draco rolled his eyes with a smile. "I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you look tonight." He smiled. "You're practically glowing." He added.

"It's funny that you say that because I have something to tell you." Ginny smiled warmly.

"I have something else to tell you too, if you don't mind me going first." Draco interrupted Ginny quickly.

"Go ahead." Ginny nodded, even though she was almost bursting at the seams to tell Draco the news.

"Ginny you are the best thing that could ever happen to a bitter boy like myself." Draco started.

"Draco you're not bitter." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Not anymore. But before you, I was and you know it." Draco smiled and tighten his hold on Ginny's waist. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I love you and I never want to lose you again." Draco whispered sweetly.

"I love you too Draco. And I'm not going anywhere." Ginny smiled. She leaned in a little and lightly pressed her lips to Dracos'.

"Well I hope so or I would feel like a fool right about now." Draco whispered and unwrapped his arms from Ginny's waist.

"What are you talking about?" Ginny giggled but stopped as she watched Draco kneel down on one knee.

"Ginevra Molly Weasley, will you marry me?" Draco asked as he took Ginny's hand.

"Are you serious?" Ginny asked with her hand still covering her mouth.

"Yes of course, I am down on one knee." Draco laughed nervously. "Oh wait! God I messed this up." Draco said in a panic voice and pulled the little velvet box out and opened it. A beautiful diamond ring was displayed in the black box, even with the lower candle light and the tears that were building up in Ginny's eyes the glimmer of the stone was obvious. Ginny started to nod her head frantically trying to find the words to speak.

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