Chapter 2:Conquest

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Draco couldn't believe that his father was making him take Muggle Studies. Worst of all he signed him up for tutoring without even consulting him; and to top it all off Professor McGonagall wouldn't even tell him who his tutor was! Draco pushed the door of the library open and search for some nerdy student. Merlin is better not be Granger! Draco thought. He looked over to Mrs. Pince's desk and the little Weasley girl was standing there. Well she wasn't little anymore, not at all. Draco walked over to Mrs. Pince's desk and lean against the desk looking again for some stupid tutor to show up. Draco glance at his side, the little Weaslette had quit a figure. Draco didn't know why he never noticed it before. Her skirt was a little shorter than most of the girls and her shirt had at least two more buttons undone than most girls also. If Draco didn't know any better than he would think that she was waiting for a hot date. Draco looked her up and down very slowly. She hand long fit, slim legs that Draco assumed that she got from playing quidditch; Draco could image them wrapped around his waist. Draco had to smirk at the idea. That would be the ultimate button to push for Weasley and Potter. Draco thought. He looked back at the young Weasley and followed her curves up to her chest. If Draco tilted his head enough at the right angle he could see her bra; Draco smirked again as he followed her lines up her neck. I can't wait to leave my mark. Draco smiled to himself. His eyes wondered onto her soft pouty lips, he himself almost licked his own lips in anticipation. The Weaslette giggled, it was an actual cute giggle; that's when he realized that she had caught him and she was now looking back at him. Draco quickly adverted his eyes, but didn't make it look awkward. That's it! I'm going to make that little Weasley mine. Draco grinned and then as if Merlin himself was on Draco's side, the little Weasley said,

"Mrs. Pince did a student come here looking for a tutor for Muggle Studies?" There's no way! Draco yelled in his head.

"You!" Draco said shocked. He couldn't believe it. This is going to be easier than I though. Draco thought.

"What about me?" The Weaslette snapped.

"You're my tutor?" Draco asked dumbfounded. Get a little aggressive. You still have to keep up my act if I want her to come back to my dorm. Draco told himself.

"Merlin, Professor McGonagall has one sick sense of humor." She mumbled under her breath.

"You're telling me." Malfoy grumbled trying not to laugh at his own luck, he crossed his arms to complete his look.

"Come on then." She sulked and picked up her books and started to walk to a near by table. Oh no! We can't stay here, if I'm going to do this than I'm doing my way and now. Draco said to himself and grabbed the Weaslette's arm and pulled her back to him. She stumbled back with the look of surprise in her eyes, they were nose-to-nose and Draco could smell her perfume. Raspberries. How ironic that those are his favorite fruit. I swear the universe just wants me to get what I want. Draco laughed to himself.

"We are not doing this here." He growled.

"What are you talking about? This is fine." She said ripping her arm from his grip. There has to be away to make her see it my way. Draco thought.

"Oh no! I can't be seen with a blood traitor like you." He growled.

"And where do you suppose we go then?" The Weaslette looked a bit pissed, but she still looked hot.

"Back to my dorm. I'm Head Boy, this way were not in public." Draco said nonchalantly.

"Fine whatever." She rolled her eyes and followed Draco out the library door. She stood right next to him as they walked down the hall. They passed some Ravenclaw third years and they started to whisper, Draco couldn't have any of this. Only after he had made the little Weasley scream his name did he want people to whisper about it, not before.

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