Chapter 2:Return

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It had been almost seven years since the last time that Ginny had seen Draco. She had graduated from Hogwarts at the top of her class and she was now working at the Ministry in the Healthcare Department. She lived in a two bedroom, two bath flat in the wizard side of London, she did have a roommate several years ago however after Theo proposed to Lavender they moved in together, got married, and started their family. Ginny had stayed in that apartment mostly because it was rent controlled and any other flat was more expensive and much smaller.

Over the years Harry, Ron, and Ginny had mended their relationship and they were now friends again. It took some time and apologies for them to get there far, however the war and battles did help in many ways. Harry and Ginny were walking back to Ginny's flat after having dinner. Ron and Hermione were supposed to join them, but at the last minute they cancelled because Ginny's nephew Hugo fell ill suddenly.

"I hope that Hugo is ok. Maybe I should owl Ron and ask." Ginny said as they came to her door. "Do you want to come in for some tea?" She asked.

"Yeah sure." Harry nodded. They walked into Ginny's flat. Ginny took Harry's coat and hung it up in the hallway closet.

"Damian!" Ginny called out. "Damian! Where's my little boy?" Ginny called. There was a tiny ring of a bell and a grey male cat came trotting towards the pair. "Aww there you are! How are you?" Ginny cooed.

"You know, I never got why you named your cat Damian. That's not really a cat's name." Harry laughed as Ginny picked the cat up.

"No major reason." Ginny said shaking her head. In reality it was because Damian's was Draco's fake name at the All Saints dance, but Ginny knew that she could never tell Harry or Ron that without them freaking out. "I'm just going to quick owl Ron and Hermione. Why don't you get the kettle ready?" Ginny said as she put Damian down. When she looked up Harry was standing right in front of her. "Harry?" Ginny asked.

"You don't have to owl Ron and Hermione. There's nothing wrong with Hugo." Harry said in a nervous voice.

"What? What do you mean?" Ginny asked.

"I asked Ron and Hermione to cancel." Harry explained. "Hermione was pissed just for me asking." He added.

"Wh-why did you do that?" Ginny asked confused.

"Gin, how many times have I asked you out? And how many times would you say no. This was the only way." Harry explained.

"You tricked me into a date?" Ginny asked in disgust.

"But you had fun right? So what's the harm?" Harry asked.

"The harm is that I don't want to date you Harry. I've told you this many times before." Ginny said angry.

"That's because you only remember the old Harry as a boyfriend. I've changed Gin, I'm totally different and I just want to show you that." Harry said as he took Ginny's hand.

"Wha-." Ginny started to say and ripped her hand out of his hand.

"Gin just listen to me please." Harry begged. "I was stupid when I was younger. I love you and I always have." He added. "And I shouldn't have ever let you go." He added as he quickly grabbed Ginny's waist and pulled her into him and locked lips with her. Ginny quickly pushed Harry off of her and slapped him across the face.

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