Chapter 6:Fraternizing with the enemy

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Ginny and Lavender sat down at the Gryffindor's table away from Harry and Ron who glanced over when they saw them walk in.

"Are you ever going to talk to them again?" Lavender asked grabbing a roll from the breadbasket.

"I will when they stop treating me like a child." Ginny grumbled. Hermione came out of nowhere and plopped down next to Ginny.

"So what the hell is going on with you and Malfoy?" Hermione asked bluntly.

"Why do you care?" Ginny said bluntly. "And you know the answer." She added quickly. Hermione narrowed her eyes and grabbed a roll from the breadbasket.

"I care because I don't want you to end up like all of the other girls." Hermione said ripping a piece of bread off of the roll.

"Well you have nothing to worry about since their nothing going on." Ginny said scooping some food onto her plate.

"He smells like you Gin and you smell like him. What am I supposed to think?" Hermione asked.

"You're supposed to think that I can take care of myself." Ginny spat back.

"Do you like him?" Hermione asked.

"As a friend yes." Ginny answered.

"So you two are friends?" Hermione smiled doubtfully.

"Yes, just friends." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"So if you walked over there right now and said 'hi' he would just say 'hi' back?" Hermione asked.

"That's the dumbest thing in the world Hermione!" Ginny said and turned to her.

"I didn't say that we were best friends I didn't even say that we're good friends I just said that we were friends." Ginny said getting a little angry.

"So he wouldn't say 'hi' back?" Hermione asked.

"If he came over here while I was sitting with you, Ron, and Harry even if I said 'hi' back to him don't you think that all three of you would say something snotty to him?" Ginny asked. Hermione didn't say anything and bit into her roll.

"No I don't think we would." She said as a matter of fact.

"Well then you don't know your best friends because I know once Ron spotted Draco walking over here he'll say something like 'Oy why is that git coming over here?' and Harry would saw something like 'maybe he wants to barrow the salt?' and when Draco finally got over here either one of them would then say something like 'why don't you slither back under the rock that you came from.'!" Ginny almost screamed. The whole Gryffindor table fell silent and looked over at the two girls. "Am I not right?" Ginny asked narrowing her eyes. Hermione looked around at the other Gryffindors and then back at Ginny.

"There's nothing to see here!" Hermione yelled and stood up and walked over to Ron and Harry.

"Wow that was a show." Lavender said as Ginny turned back to the table and the rest of the table went back to talking amongst themselves.

"Is he looking?" Ginny asked quietly. Lavender turned her head slightly and scanned the room.

"Yes and he had quiet the smile on his face." She told Ginny and Ginny's heart skipped a beat.

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