Chapter 20:Finally

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"Night Professor? Night Weaslette?" A voice said coming from the couch that was in front of the fire. Ginny jumped when she heard the voice and looked over and saw Harry and Ron sitting there.

"You scared the living daylights out of me!" Ginny giggled a little.

"Were those supposed to be terms of endearment?" Ron snapped. Ginny sighed deeply and rolled her eyes.

"What are you guys doing up still?" Ginny asked as she turned to face them fully.

"Waiting for you." Harry growled.

"Well I'm here without a scratch from the evil Slytherin so you two can go to bed." Ginny said sarcastically as she walked over to the stairs that lead up to the girl's dormitory.

"Are you going to answer me?" Ron snapped.

"About what?" Ginny laughed as she stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

"Professor? Weaslette?" Ron raised an eyebrow.

"Merlin! They are inside jokes!" Ginny rolled her eyes. "I made him call me Professor when I was tutoring him, now that he's tutoring me and now I have to call him Professor." Ginny explained dryly.

"And since when is HIM calling you Weaslette, funny?" Harry snapped.

"Since we became friends and I let him! And I know that he's kidding. Hence the inside jokes." Ginny snapped back and headed up the stairs.

"I owled mom about this." Ron said right as Ginny's hand touched the doorknob.

"You didn't." Ginny said shocked as she turned back to Ron and Harry.

"Harry let me use Hedwig and I sent it to her when I got back tonight. So get ready to receive a howler." Ron said with a wide grin.

"I can't believe you two." Ginny said slowly. "Are you this immature! Since neither of you are getting your way you go and run to mommy!" Ginny yelled. She opened the door and rushed in before Ron or Harry could respond. Ginny barley got her uniform off before she collapsed onto her bed crying into her pillow.

Ginny filled Lavender in as they walked to breakfast. Ginny thought about not even going, but she sucked it up and went anyway. It didn't really matter anyway at one point or another she will receive the howler and she rather get it over with. They walked into the Great hall and saw that neither Draco, Blaise, nor Theo were there. Ron and Harry however were there looking happy as clams. Hermione sat a little away from them reading a book.

"You two are heartless idiots." Hermione growled as Ginny passed them. Ginny and Lavender sat down and Lavender started to eat but the thought of food made her sick. She just wanted to get the letter and to crawl into a little hole and die.

"Oh look! The mail is here!" Ron yelled loudly. Owls came flying in dropping off letters and packages to different people, but no letter came for Ginny. That was a relief for Ginny and she let out a deep sigh.

"Oooo this doesn't look good." Ron said out loud. "The more quiet my mom is...the angrier she gets." He added. Ginny swallowed hard, Ron was right. When their mother gets super quiet usually means that she is so furious she has the lost of words.

"Come on." Lavender whispered to Ginny and they went to their first class.

"Lav I don't think that I can go to lunch. I just can't do it! There will be more people and I know that my mum is pissed!" Ginny said as she stood in front of the Great hall.

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