Chapter 15:Coming clean

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Draco's shoulder was killing him, but he really didn't want to go to the infirmary. He knew that Ginny was waiting for him in his room; well he hoped that Ginny was waiting in his room. "Dragon's breath." Draco said to the portrait. The porthole swung open and he was relieved to find that Hermione wasn't there. Draco walked up the stairs slowly, wincing at ever movement of his shoulder; he used his left hand to turn the knob of his door and walked in. His room was pitched black besides the low glow of the fire. Draco placed his broom and his quidditch robe on his deck, and winced again as he kicked off his boots. I guess Ginny isn't coming. Draco thought to himself. Draco pointed his wand towards the fire and it blazed up and lit up the whole room. Draco looked over towards his bed and was stunned to fine and mostly naked Ginny leaning against the nearest bedpost. She wore a short Slytherin colored skirt and only a Slytherin tie, which hung loosely around her neck.

"What took you so long?" Ginny asked as she played with the tie. Draco started to walk towards her with a smirk on his face.

"Mrs. Promfrey wouldn't believe me that I'm fine." Draco smirked, as he looked Ginny up and down as he walked.

"And are you truly fine?" Ginny asked cocking her head to the side.

"Believe me I am perfectly fine." Draco lied. "And where did you get this outfit from?" Draco asked as he lifted Ginny's tie and let it fall back onto her.

"Well the skirt I just shorten and changed the colors. The tie on the other hand, is yours." Ginny winked and bit her bottom lip.

"You little thief." Draco growled and snaked his left arm around Ginny's naked body Ginny gasped and arched her back at his touch.

"Cold hands." Ginny smiled. Draco chuckled as he pulled her closer to him. "And muddy shirt." Ginny smiled and ran a finger down Draco's dirty sweater.

"That can be changed." Draco smiled and quickly raised his arms and ripped off his sweater. Once he raised his right arm he immediately regretted the decision. His shoulder felt like it was about to fall off. Draco just ignored the pain and threw the sweater to the floor.

"Draco are you ok?" Ginny asked. Her eyes were wide and she looked a bit scared.

"Yeah I'm fine." Draco forced a smile and leaned down to try to kiss Ginny. Ginny pulled away and looked into Draco's eyes.

"No you're not Draco. What wrong?" Ginny asked as she tried to pull away again. Draco tightened his hold around Ginny's waist.

"It's nothing." Draco whispered into her ear and kissed her neck.

"Oh yeah." Ginny said in a seductive way.

"Yeah." Draco whispered and wrapped his right arm around her waist and tried to mask the pain in his face. Ginny wrapped her arms around Draco's neck and put some pressure on his shoulders. Draco opened his mouth, groan, and winced.

"I knew it!" Ginny yelled and pushed Draco away from her. "Why didn't you go with Mrs. Promfrey?" Ginny said pushing Draco in the shoulder again. Draco grabbed his shoulder and winced again.

"Because I wanted to come and see you." Draco growled.

"You can be really hurt Drake." Ginny said in a worried tone.

"I'm not. I've felt worst." Draco rolled his eyes and pulled her into him again. "It's just a sore muscle I promise." He whispered as he looked into Ginny's big hazel eyes.

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