Chapter 5.

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"And this is your office." Kingsley smiled and opened two double wide oak doors into a large office space where the glass behind the chair was charmed to have a skyline view of London.

"Wow, Kingsley. Do I really need an office this big?" Draco asked in shock.

"Of course you do Draco! Don't worry though, mine is twice the size." Kingsley winked at Draco and Draco chuckled. There was a knock on the door and a petite brunette witch stood in the doorway. "Ah Draco this is your secretary, Jamie. She will get you anything that you need or want." Kingsley said happily.

"Hello Jamie." Draco smiled.

"Mr. Malfoy." Jamie smiled. "Kingsley, your wife is on line 3." Jamie addressed Kingsley.

"Ah yes. Well I now will leave you to your own devices Draco. Welcome to the ministry." Kingsley patted Draco on the back and walked out of the office.

"I know that this might be a silly question, but are you THE Draco Malfoy?" Jamie asked hesitantly.

"I believe so. Unless there are two of us." Draco shrugged his shoulders. Back at Hogwarts when someone asked him that question he always gave them a smug 'yes'. But now, who knows there could be other Draco Malfoys in the world.

"I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy but my sister has told me about you and I just wanted to make sure that you were really him." Jamie said shying away.

"And who is your sister?" Draco asked as he walked over to his desk and sat in his chair.

"Katie Bell." Jamie said in a charming voice.

"Katie Bell! Oh really? Please tell her that I said 'hello'." Draco said as he was looking around his desk.

"I will do." Jamie smiled sweetly. "Just so you know Mr. Malfoy, these walls are practically sound proof." Jamie said as she just slightly sat on Draco's desk and pulled her skirt up a little. Draco looked straight up at her in shock.

"I don't think that my girlfriend would appreciate that very much." Draco said politely.

"And since when have you ever let a girl get in your way of lust?" Jamie giggled.

"Since I found the women that I love." Draco said standing up with force. "Now, if you are done here." Draco paused. "Get out!" He growled. Jamie jumped off his desk and started to walk towards the door. "And Jamie!" Draco called out to her. Jamie stopped and turned back towards him with a sly smile.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy?" She answered.

"Do something like that again. And you're fired." Draco hissed.

"Yes. I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy." Jamie said in a shock and hurt voice. "Umm by the way. You have a meeting with the deputy Aurors in a half an hour." Jamie paused as the door.

"Thank you." Draco said coldly and sat back down at his desk as Jamie closed the door behind her. Draco started to read through the papers that were on his desk so that he would be better briefed for when his deputies came. There was a hard cold knock on the door. "Come in." Draco answered and didn't look up from his papers.

"The deputy Aurors are here Mr. Malfoy." Jamie said sweetly.

"Alright show them in." Draco instructed.

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