Chapter 7:Avery

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"You know, you seem very comfortable with James." Ginny smiled at Draco. Draco's hard face turned soft and a smile spread across his face.

"Well I have had some practice." Draco shrugged and walked over to Ginny. He wrapped his arms around Ginny's waist and smiled.

"What practice?" Ginny giggled.

"I've had some adventures while I was away. It wasn't all fighting and death." Draco smiled.

"Adventures? Are you trying to tell me that there are other little Malfoys out there?" Ginny smirked.

"No of course not. You are the only women that I've been with for the past 8 years." Draco smiled. "And the only little Malfoy that is out there, is right here." He added and placed his hand on her stomach.

"Good to hear." Ginny winked. "But seriously what were you talking about having practice?" Ginny asked again.

"Well it's a long story. A very long story." Draco nodded his head. "And I have a feeling that we should be getting back to your family." He smiled.

"Will you tell me one day?" Ginny asked and pouted her lips.

"Awww with a look like that?" Draco smiled and rubbed his thumb across Ginny's lower lip. "How could I say no?" He added and lean in a lightly kissed Ginny. "I think that we should get back to your family." He smiled as they parted.

"I kind of had a better idea." Ginny smirked and pulled onto Draco shirt as she walking to a door near the back door.
"Which is?" Draco asked with a coy smile.
"Why don't you follow me and find out?" Ginny said in a seductive tone. She opened the door and walked it leaving the door just slightly ajar. Draco chuckled to himself and followed Ginny, closing the door behind him.
"And what are we doing in a closet?" Draco asked only slightly confused.
"If you haven't figured it out yet then I don't think that you deserve this." Ginny smiled as she lean up to Draco's lips.
"Ginny Weasley you are always finding way for us to get into trouble." Draco growled as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"That's Mrs. Malfoy to you." Ginny corrected Draco with a smile. As she said that Draco's smile vanished. "What? What is it?" Ginny asked concerned.
"Nothing. It's just that I didn't. I didn't know if you would take my name." Draco shrugged.
"Well of course I would take your name." Ginny giggled and lean up again to Draco's lips. She studied his face and could tell that something else was wrong. "Do you not want me to take your name?" Ginny asked shocked.
"It's not that I don't want you too." Draco said shaking his head. "It's just that... that name never did anyone any good." He sighed.
"What about you?" Ginny asked and looked at him with big eyes.
"I was a total pray as a kid." Draco chuckled without humor.
"Draco you were also beaten as a kid." Ginny pointed out. "Your mother took your father's name and she didn't turn out horrible." Ginny added.
"No but she suffered a brutal and abusive marriage with my father." Draco spat, not at Ginny but towards the memory of his father.
"That was your father. He was a horrible man. You are nothing like him." Ginny said in a soothing voice.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm just like him." Draco whispered lowly almost to himself, but the confined closet didn't allow it to pass Ginny's ear unknowingly.
"Draco Orion what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Ginny said angrily. Ginny hated when anyone tried to give Draco a bad name even if it was Draco himself.

"I get angry as easy as he used to." Draco mused. "I think horrible thoughts about those who annoy me and I even find myself reaching for my wand to get rid of them." Draco hissed and looked away from Ginny. "I sometimes think that Harry is right." He said lowly. A strong hand came across his cheek. It stung like no other and brought Draco suddenly back to reality.
"Don't you ever! Ever! Say that again!" Ginny yelled at him. Draco could see the tears that she was trying to fight back. "Everyone have those urges. Do you think that my hand doesn't wince at every sudden movements? Of course it does. Have I had to stop myself from throwing a spell at Harry or Hermione? Of course I have. And I always want to kill those idiots in my office every time those people make the same little mistake every week. We all have those urges Draco. The difference between us and them is that we don't call upon those urges and carry them out." Ginny started out yelling and slowly came to a soothing voice.
"You forgot that you have a temper also." Draco chuckled as he held his cheek in his hand. He was sure that a red mark was going to show.
"I'm sorry for hitting you." Ginny said sweetly. "I just hate it when you say things like that. You put yourself down way too much." Ginny cooed as she pet Draco's cheek softly.
"I know." Draco smiled and nuzzled his nose against Ginny's.
"I love you Draco." Ginny whispered as he lips barely touched his.
"I love you too Mrs. Malfoy." Draco smirked and bridged the small gap between their lips.

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