Chapter 9:Rumors

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Ginny woke up pretty early, at least she thought, considering she didn't even know what time it was when she went to bed. She stretched a little and saw that no one else was in the dorm so she took her time and got ready to go down to breakfast. She figured that Lavender was in the common room waiting for her. Ginny skipped down the stairs to the common room where there was a lot of whispering. Ginny looked around and found Lavender, Romilda, and a few other girls sitting in the corner by the fireplace. Lavender looked up at Ginny and quickly walked over to her and grabbed her by her arm guiding her over to the porthole.

"Hey Lav! What's going on?" Ginny yelled as Lavender pulled her out of the common room.

"Everyone is talking about it." Lavender whispered as other students started to walk out too.

"Talking about what?" Ginny asked confused.

"About the blonde that Draco was snogging last night." Lavender explained.

"Really?" Ginny said shocked.

"Yes, they keep asking me questions because I was with Theo and since he's friends with Draco they think that he must know who she was and that means that I must know who she was." Lavender explained.

"Just say that you asked him but Theo didn't tell you." Ginny shrugged.

"I did." Lavender nodded as they walked into the Great Hall. "There's a little more though." She added as they sat down.

"What?" Ginny asked.

"Where were you last night?" Ginny heard Hermione's voice. Ginny turned around and Hermione stood behind her with her hands on her hips.

"With Lavender." Ginny said plainly.

"And where was Lavender? And doing what?" Hermione asked looking at Lavender.

"With Ginny. Doing stuff. Within the castle's walls of course." Lavender said with a snotty smile.

"Well I hope that you aren't too heart broken about what happened last night." Hermione smirked.

"What are you talking about?" Ginny asked rolling her eyes.

"It's rumored that Malfoy was snogging some blonde last night at his little party that he had in the room of requirements." Hermione shrugged.

"And why would I care about that?" Ginny snapped.

"Oh I don't know, how about the fact that you've been snogging him yourself." Hermione pointed out in a whisper.

"And who told you that?" Ginny said getting a little mad and tried to spy Harry.

"Ginny, I told you that I've known about it and I told you that he would treat you just like all of the other girl. And I'm not going to be the one who picks up the pieces either." Hermione said and stormed off.

"If she only knew huh?" Lavender giggled as they watch Hermione storm away.

"This is ridiculous, are people really that interested about this?" Ginny asked turning back around.

"Ginny! Did you hear?" Katie Bell asked. She looked a bit pissed and she was cutting her ham like it did something horrible to her when it was alive.

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