Chapter 11:The mark

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Ginny greedily took Draco into her mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck. Draco's hand cupped Ginny's face as his other slid between her dress's slit and felt her soft leg until it found its place on her hip. Wait Ginny, this could not be Draco! What if the mask's charm was just lingering for a little bit and really your making out with someone that you don't even know! "Draco." Ginny tried to say, but it came out more of a moan. She felt his lips curl up into a smile against hers.

"Yes?" Draco whispered softly. Ginny got the strength to push his away from her body a little, just enough so that she could see all of his face. "What?" He smirked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to make sure that it was really you." Ginny said quietly and ran her hand through his blonde hair.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Draco asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, not at all." Ginny smiled and shook her head.

"Good." Draco whispered and kissed her again.

"Wait!" Ginny said and pushed him away again. "You lied to me!" Ginny said shocked.

"What? When did I lie to you?" Draco chuckled. His hand was still up her dress, and now he was rubbing her upper thigh.

"You said that you like the Weird Sisters." Ginny said and folded her arms.

"I did not. I said that I like a few of their songs." Draco smiled and lean in again. "And if we're going to play this game, then I can't believe that you admitted to liking Goblin's Heed." Draco whispered as he uncrossed Ginny's arms.

"I said that I liked one song." Ginny corrected him.

"It's almost midnight!" they heard Hermione's voice from the Great Hall. "Alright everyone on the count of three! 1...2...3!" She yelled.

"I guess the coast is really clear this time." Draco smiled.

"I guess so." Ginny nodded her head.

"But we don't have to go out." Draco winked.

"Number 1. Do you really think that Ron and Harry are going to stop looking for me? And number 2. I wouldn't let you shag me in a corner do you really think I'll let you shag me in a closet?" Ginny smiled.

"Well number 1. Who said anything about shagging?" Draco smirked. "And number 2. Just think of your brother's face if he did find us shagging." Draco whispered into Ginny's ear and his hand slipped from her upper thigh, down to her inner thigh and a finger lightly brushed up against her clit. Ginny gasped and Draco took that chance to capture her lips against. Ginny wrapped her arms around his neck again and Draco's other hand held tightly onto her waist. Draco teased the edges of Ginny's panties as he licked and bit Ginny's lips. Ginny let out a small moan and ran her hands down his chest and clutched his dress robe. Draco pushed his hips against Ginny more as his finger slowly slid into her wet panties. "Anticipating me?" Draco asked in a husky voice.

"More like hoping." Ginny whined as Draco's finger slid up her slit and slowly started to part her lips. Ginny tightened her hold onto Draco's robes as his finger teased her entrance. Ginny was about to open her mouth to protest his teasing when Draco slipped a finger in. Ginny gasped again and thrust her hips into him as he pumped his finger in and out of her. "Draco." Ginny moan as Draco took her lips. Draco slid another finger into Ginny as he quickened his pace and trailed kissed down her jaw line and bit her earlobe. "Draco." Ginny breathed. "I'm going to cum." She panted.

"Good." Draco growled. "I love making you cum." He added and thrust harder into her, Ginny bit down onto his shoulder to stop her from scream in pleasure. Draco nibbled onto her earlobe as his other hand ran its fingers through her fiery mane, Ginny could feel his erection rubbing against her thigh as he pumped his fingers into her, which turned her on even more. Ginny felt herself tighten up, she thought that she was going to scream in pleasure. Draco must have felt her tighten up because he crashed his lips down onto hers as he pumped faster and made Ginny come to her climax. Ginny moan deeply into Draco's mouth as her orgasm flowed through every inch of her. She felt her body shake and Draco's arm as he held her closely to his body. Draco pulled his fingers out and they broke their kiss. Ginny just slumped against Draco's chest as she tried to regain control over her body. Draco ran his hand through her hair again and then lifted her head to his. Ginny looked up into Draco's stormy grey eyes that were filled with his own lust. Ginny smiled and winked at him and slid her hands down to his pants. Draco smiled back but then took her hands away from his pants and pulled her off of the desk.

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