Chapter 3:What happens now?

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"So he woke up?" Hermione asked in shock.

"Yes and the first thing that he did was freak out because he saw a certain picture on my night table." Ginny said with her hands on her hips.

"Gin, listen. I didn't do that to make him upset. I just want you to remember your friendship with Harry and maybe forgive him." Hermione explained and gave Ginny a small smile.

"Hermione that's fine, but you could have put a different picture and why right next to Draco? You know that I don't sleep in there!" Ginny asked with an eyebrow raised.

"That's a great picture of you two." Hermione said.

"Yeah and it's a look into the future right? That picture is what I could have with Harry. A little happy family." Ginny said sarcastically. "Maybe I don't want that happy family with him? Maybe I had a different picture for my future?" Ginny snapped and stood up from her couch. "And who's to say that if Draco never came back that I would want to end up with Harry?" She added.

"Ginny, you know Harry and you love him. Why wouldn't you want to be with him?" Hermione said a little shocked.

"Because I don't love him. I like him as a friend and that is it." Ginny yelled, she couldn't believe that she was having this conversation with Hermione again. "Hermione how many times do I have to tell you? When I was younger I did think that I was in love with Harry. But after Draco and now that I'm older I now know that I was never in love with Harry, I just had an infatuation." Ginny stomped her foot.

"And what about Draco? How do you know that you weren't just an infatuation to him?" Hermione snapped. Ginny paused, that was a low blow for Hermione to say. She started to feel the tears welding up, but she refused to let them fall. She just turned on her heels and stomped into the kitchen. She opened her cabinet doors harder than was necessary and slammed her mug down on the counter hard too. "Ginny I'm sorry, but you still don't know anything about him. Yes, you told me that he still loves you, but that was when you both were younger. For him to be away for so long he might have changed and not for the better; I know that you definitely have changed." Hermione said as she followed Ginny into the kitchen.

"Shouldn't that be my decision to make? To be able to talk to him and see who he is now and for him to see who I am. And then we can decided our future if there is any? Not for you or Ron or Harry to just decided that he's a horrible person and there's no way for him not to be." Ginny argued and stormed pass Hermione fighting back her tears with her newly filled mug in her hands. She headed back towards the living room.

"Yes Ginny of course it's all up to you to figure out what you want. But I don't want you to think that you just wasted the last seven years of your life. I just want you to remember that there is someone who's perfect for you." Hermione explained as she followed Ginny back into the living room. As Hermione came around the corner she froze in the doorway.

"You've always been so sweet when it came to me Granger." Draco said in a snarky voice as he was leaning on the doorframe of Ginny's bedroom. His color had returned to his face and he didn't look as fragile as he did when he first woke up. "I can see that this is not a conversation for me to be apart of." Draco drawled and was about to turn back into the room.

"Draco wait." Ginny said quickly and Draco stopped and turned back towards Ginny. Their eyes met and Ginny could see that it was truly him. That Hermione was wrong, the man that stood before her was still the Draco that she knew and loved. "You must be hungry. All that you've had for the pass month was saline solution. Do you want dinner?" Ginny said sweetly as she put her tea down onto the coffee table, Draco and her eye never left one another until Hermione made a fake coughing sound.

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