Part 1:Chapter 1:Tutoring Service

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Ginny was leaning against Mrs. Pince desk waiting for the student that she was supposed to tutor. Professor McGonagall was very strange at keeping the student's name from Ginny, Ginny didn't care that much either way she was getting paid and the extra cash was totally worth it. The door of the library opened and Ginny looked to see who it was. Ginny rolled her eyes and sighed as Draco Malfoy walked through the doors.

Well I know it's not him. Why would he care about Muggle Studies? Ginny thought. Malfoy looked around the room like he was looking for someone and his eyes laid on Ginny, he raised an eyebrow and started to walk over to her. Oh Merlin I really don't feel like dealing with him today. Ginny thought to herself. Malfoy stopped at the edge of Mrs. Pince's desk and crossed his arms and looked towards the door. Ginny sighed deeply again out of relief. Ginny looked at her watch to see what time it was and whoever the student was, they were late. Ginny tapped her foot out of annoyance and place her books hard on the table. I should just leave, obviously they aren't coming. Ginny thought. She glance at Malfoy who was still leaning against the desk with his arms folded looking at the library door. Looks like someone stood him up too. Ginny giggled. Malfoy glanced at her and Ginny immediately stopped. He looked her up and down and smirk, Ginny felt her cheeks get hot. What is he looking at? Something else to make fun of me for? Ginny thought. Merlin she didn't want to be in the same room with him for another minute. Ginny turned to Mrs. Pince.

"Mrs. Pince did a student come here looking for a tutor for Muggle Studies?" Ginny asked.

"You!" Ginny heard from the edge of the desk. She turned and Malfoy was staring at her in shock.

"What about me?" Ginny snapped.

"You're my tutor?" Malfoy asked a little annoyed.

"Merlin, Professor McGonagall has one sick sense of humor." Ginny mumbled under her breath.

"You're telling me." Malfoy grumbled and crossed his arms again.

"Come on then." Ginny said and picked up her books and started to walk to a table. She was jerked back and when she turned she was almost nose-to-nose with Malfoy.

"We are not doing this here." He growled.

"What are you talking about? This is fine." Ginny said ripping her arm from his grip.

"Oh no! I can't be seen with a blood traitor like you." He growled.

"And where do you suppose we go then?" Ginny asked about to punch him in the face.

"Back to my dorm. I'm Head Boy, this way were not in public." Malfoy explained.

"Fine whatever." Ginny rolled her eyes and followed Malfoy out the library door.

"And hang back a little, I don't want people to get the wrong idea." He spat. Ginny rolled her eyes again and paused in the middle of the hallway before she started to follow Malfoy again.

"I can't believe that I'm doing this. Is it really worth 10 Galleon an hour?" Ginny mumbled. They walked up what seemed like a thousand stairs up to the Head's dormitory.

"Witch's broom." Malfoy said and the porthole swung open and Ginny followed Malfoy in. Ginny had been in the Head's dorm a few times because Hermione was Head girl and Ginny would go over and hang out with her so the shock of how amazing the dorms look didn't wash over Ginny like it use to. All of the furniture was black and very elegant. Two banners hung from the ceiling, a ruby red Gryffindor and an emerald green Slytherin. A roaring fire lit up the room and there were two staircases leading to two different doors. One was painted red and gold which was Hermione's room and the other was painted green and silver, which was Malfoy's room. Ginny sat on the couch and put her books on the table that was in front of the fire. "And what do you think you're doing?" Malfoy hissed.

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