"Laila Alexandria Woods" Laila walked towards the stage with a small smile on her face and her hair dancing everywhere

"Alyssa Rosaline Thompson"

"Tatiana Tahira Florence"

"William Xavier King"

"Charlotte Henderson"

"Dennis Austen-Leigh"

"Anastassia Reed"

"Xander Atkinson" 

"Whitney Denise King"

She called out other names too but I couldn't keep track really because it was a lot.

"Students of The Lexington Academy, I present to you your student government" Applause rang out from every corner of the room, I maintained my stance as my gaze roamed all over the room. I saw Sasha glaring at Laila and she wasn't applauding, the hateful glare in the girl's eyes and the smirk on her face told me she had some more tricks up her sleeves. Dennis' words played in my mind

"Some sort of drama is about to happen"

I was worried about Laila but I couldn't let it show on my face, she had worked throughout her whole high school career for this position. Sasha was going to attack Laila and I couldn't find out what her new plan was, this whole drama was not necessary in my opinion. Sasha couldn't have me, she knows that and still tries to hurt Laila in fact now I think this was never about me in the first place, it was always about Laila it seems. Louise put the sash around Laila and they spoke to each other while the card was given to her, Alyssa received the VP sash next and her student government ID card. The cards belonged to the holder permanently and would only be retrieved when serious offences have been committed, it got to my turn and Louise glared at me I bent my head and she put the card around my neck.

"Do not hurt Laila" Louise said as she pretended to fix my collar

"What gives you the impression that I will?"

"Don't hurt her, King" She said and removed her hands from my collar, she shook my hand and moved to the next person. When the whole thing was over, the auditorium erupted in applause once again.

"You all are to head to your first period lessons, seniors you have study hall and you have to head in now. Do remember what I said earlier, have a pleasant day" Louise dismissed the student body and we headed to our seats to pick up our belongings, I waylaid my sister before she left the auditorium to crush her in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you following in Laila's footsteps, aren't we?" I teased her

"Her footsteps are literal gold in this school" Whitney laughed and shoved me away from her

"I'll see you later" I took a step away from her and turned around to use another exit to get me to study hall. In study hall, we were studying in groups and Laila had taken the seat next to mine, I narrowed my eyes very dangerously at her.

"How did you know about the change in our schedules?"

"How do you think I became president?"

"You worked your whole high school career for it" I replied without hesitation

"Yes but no that's not it. I always know what is going on within these walls"

"Do you?" I teased

"Yes I do, how else do you think I know what room we're in this period?"

"Fine" I conceded

"I got my schedule sent to me after I learnt of the changes effective since Friday morning"

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