Chapter Nineteen - [The Right Thing]

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Hi everyone!

In case you missed my post, I set up a timeline for the events that occur prior to this story to help readers understand the history of Elore and Aiveria :) You can find it in the chapter titled "Timeline" :D

I hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment to let me know your thoughts!


Luckycharms <3


Thea didn't want to go out for dinner but Luana had been insistent. They were at Mayra's, the usual bar they hung out at, and the crowd was a great bother to Thea since she didn't want to be around so many people, the drone of their voices giving her a headache. She just wanted to go home.

Luana had gone on and on about her day, and on any other day Thea would have listened intently, intrigued by the work she did with Kaya. The Logistics department, which Kaya headed and Luana worked in, was an interesting department, and Thea was able to understand that Kaya basically knew everything about everything when it came to the military. She knew who was where and what was with who and where everything was going and so much more.

Yes, sometimes it was certainly confusing, but it was still interesting.

But today, Thea wasn't in the mood.

Her mind was still racing from the events from earlier. From the General's request for her to speak at his meeting, to Railand's threatening words, to the oddly familiar ex-Crow whose simple presence scared Railand away.

And at the top of her mind of course was Vetori's request.

She was still angry right now with everything that had happened with Railand. There was an anger in her and somehow that anger allowed her to put her foot down when it came to the thought that was at the forefront of her mind.

She was going to do what she wanted to do.

And she wanted to help Vetori with his simple request.

She wasn't a traitor like Railand had suggested.

She wasn't like... whoever that ex-Crow was, and as she stewed in her own thoughts, giving herself a headache as she did so, she suddenly realized something about him.

Though she could barely remember how he looked, she did remember that he was an Elorian with black hair that he tied up and a well kept beard, not to mention the fact that he was also handsome.

And he was in the hallway that led to the General's office.

Thea looked at Luana, remembering the numerous times that Luana had mentioned the annoyingly handsome young Elorian who spent little to no time on his hair and beard and somehow always managed to look perfect. The friend of hers who she thought was so lucky for his perfect locks that always did exactly what he wanted it too, unlike her own frizzy short hair that barely cooperated.

Thinking back to all of this, Thea realized who that man must have been.


The man who gave her that beautiful pen.

The man in charge of the Screeching Crow.

"Aari," Thea said, making Luana stop talking about whatever it was she was talking about and look at her. "He's got kind of long black hair that he ties up, right? And a beard."

"Yeah, he does."

"He was in Achlis today?"

Luana hesitated. "He was."

The Little CrowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant