Chapter Thirty Eight - [Madman]

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Hi everyone! 

Here's a new chapter for you!! Enjoy! 

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Love, Luckycharms <3


There was blood. Everywhere.

Thea was frozen as she stared in shock at the scene, an overwhelming sense of fear taking over as her eyes fell on Rue.

He was sitting there in his usual spot except there was blood all over one side of his face as he leaned against the wall with his legs stretched out, looking paler than he ever was. There was also blood all over his shirt and trousers, splatters of it on the walls and floors around him, and Thea's eyes were darting everywhere, trying to figure out what had happened.

Luana was first to react, suddenly serious and unlike her usual self. She rushed over to Rue, using a surprising amount of strength to tear open his shirt and look for where he was bleeding from, and it was the sight of her moving that snapped Thea back to her senses.

Thea rushed forward, nearly slipping on blood in the process but not caring one bit. She fell onto her knees in front of Rue and grabbed his bloodied face in her hands, turning his head to face her. "Rue?" She called.

His right eye, the eye that wasn't covered in blood, opened a little and looked at her. He looked weak and it was only then that she noticed that the blood was practically dried.

Had he been lying like this for a while?

"Rue? What happened? Rue?"

It seemed to take him a moment to recognize her but when he did, he managed to force out a smirk despite the situation. "It seems... I've been stabbed."

Thea wasn't in the mood to respond to that. Instead, she was holding back tears, using the sleeve of her blouse to wipe the blood off of his face. "Who did this to you?"

"Thea, go call for a doctor," Luana said, sternly.

"You... don't know?" Rue asked.

"Rue, now is not the time to be secretive," she hissed through her tears. "Tell me who did this!" As she spoke, however, she had finally wiped most of the dried blood from his face and had to hold herself back from throwing up. She could see very soon that he had not just been stabbed.

A long cut started from the top of his forehead and went down through his left brow and sliced deeply over his eyelid, into his eye and down to his cheek. His left eye was completely, irreparably damaged, blood everywhere, the horror of it all made Thea feel faint. Clearly, there had been an attempt to torture him.

But how?

Niall had gotten control over Rue... who would have done this to him under Niall's watch?


"Rivier, of course," was Rue's response, a smirk still on his face. "He was... quite... angry... I'd say... it's safe to assume... you won?"

Thea was taken aback. Though this was certainly not how Thea had wanted Rue to find out about their win, she knew now wasn't the time to worry about that. "Rivier–"

"Thea, doctor, now!" Luana snapped.

Though Luana's tone startled Thea, she knew the girl was right, so instantly Thea got up and rushed out the door, taking the elevator up to find someone to help. The second she reached the upper floor though, the look of the officers made it clear to her that no one wanted to help. When she went up to them and asked for someone to get a doctor, they would laugh at her and remind her that these prisoners didn't deserve that luxury, and though that infuriated her, she didn't waste time.

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