Chapter Eleven - [Genius]

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Thea had a wonderful night with Luana, though the two of them ended up spending most of the night shopping and didn't end up actually going to the bar. Luana showed her around town and even came back to Thea's hostel with her after the fact to help her put things away and set up her brand new plants and lamps. It seemed almost unbelievable to Thea that the two girls were getting along so quickly, but Thea wasn't going to complain.

The next day, Thea was at the General's office quite early again and when she walked in, Mrs. Railer greeted her with a warm smile. "Please have a seat, love," she said. "Luana will be here to pick you up shortly."

Thea nodded, her eyes looking over at the and the closed door of the General's room. She could hear the very quiet, muffled sounds of the General speaking and she figured he was already in a meeting.

He really did work a lot, didn't he?

She wondered if he had a family, or at least a girlfriend, but as she pondered the question in her head, she realized that it seemed impossible that he would. How could you start work so early and leave so late if you did? But then again, what did Thea know? Maybe the General was having a busy week. Maybe it wasn't always like this.

Thea and Mrs. Railer engaged in a little bit of small talk until Luana arrived, looking rather prim and proper in her uniform. "Morning, Mrs. Railer," Luana grinned at the woman and she walked in.

"Good morning, Love," Mrs. Railer responded, showing the same warmth she showed to Thea. "Happy to see that you're on time... trying to leave a good impression on Miss. Rhaanan, it seems?"

Luanna chuckled. "I'm not going to pretend that's not what I'm trying to do," she said before looking at Thea. "Ready for your first official day?"

Thea stood up from her seat and took a deep breath. "Yes... as ready as I can be."

After signing out the key to a car from Mrs. Railer, Luana and Thea both headed out for Thea's first day... which ended up being exactly what she had expected it to be like.

Thea had a room to herself, a room that consisted of no windows, a plain desk in the middle with a chair on both sides of it, and a white light that lit the place up. It wasn't a pleasant place, but according to the General, this was the most comfort this prison had to offer.

It was Luana's job to escort each prisoner in to speak to her one at a time, and as expected, almost all the people she managed to talk to that day, twelve in total, were all suspicious of her intentions. Thea tried to spend most of the first day getting them to warm up to her and get to know her, but most of them didn't seem entirely receptive. Though she had expected this, she didn't stop feeling anxious.

If it kept up this way, then she wouldn't be able to do her job right.

Luana kept up her enthusiasm though, constantly reminding Thea that it made sense for them to not trust her in their first official meeting. "It'll take a few more sessions," Luana would say. "Trust me, they'll open up."

Though Thea didn't really know whether or not to believe that, there ended up being one Crow who piqued Thea's interest. Vetori Kayne.

The man was one of the last to be brought by Luana into the little room that Thea was in. He walked in with his head held high and exuded an odd air of superiority as looked down at her. Despite this, however, the man looked rather young with the hair around his chin and over his lip, looking like it was trying hard to grow, but really couldn't. He couldn't have been much older than her.

His shoulder length hair was the usual black of the Elorian's and his eyes too were the unsurprising black as well, looking a little darker as he eyed her and tried to make it clear that he had no fears. He was handsome, for sure, but somehow Thea was reminded of a couple of the cocky boys that her brother seemed to associate himself with these days.

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