Chapter Fifteen - [Longing]

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Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for reading! Here's a nice, long chapter for this weekend! Don't forget to vote and comment to let me know your thoughts! 


Love, Luckycharms <3


Things were going well and for the most part, Thea was progressing remarkably. Most of the individuals that Thea was speaking to were finally opening up to her and that meant she was finally able to start working with Milo on putting certain things together.

Nothing that was particularly game changing came out of it though, aside from the possible location of one or two minor Crow hideouts that they figured out using clues from the words some of those men used. Milo certainly was a genius when it came to things like this. If one of those prisoners mentioned even a tiny detail that was recognizable by him, he could extract tons of information from that simple detail alone.

Despite the fact that Thea was certainly learning to trust General Killian much more, she still didn't feel up to telling him absolutely everything. Thankfully Milo, who knew pretty much everything she discussed with those prisoners, left it completely up to her what she chose was important enough to share with the General. "This is your project, after all," Milo had said to her. "And you know the Crows better than I do. You know what's most important to share."

What didn't make her happy, however, was that her work with Rue was still extremely slow. As she had promised, she did come to him every time she was at the State Prison and talk at him about how things were going.

Sometimes, she would even tell him about some of the things the others had told her, knowing that it wasn't like he was going to tell anyone else. Thea was the only other person he ever interacted with in that cold, dark and glum prison after all.

It was a good idea though, because though he would oftentimes be quiet and simply listen, other times he would voice his opinion. Sure, he would sound annoyed and irritated, but it would be his opinion nonetheless.

Sometimes he would tell her when he thought someone was lying. Other times he would agree or disagree with people's opinions.

Though the information was useless to the General, it was certainly a step forward, and Thea was willing to take anything, especially when Milo suggested that she pay close attention to what topics Rue found interesting seeing as it may give them clues as to who he really was.

This piece of advice from Milo was certainly worthwhile as soon, just by seeing what piqued his interest, Thea was really able to figure out that he may have felt some opposition to a certain faction of Crows... the Revolutionary Crows.

Thea knew the gist of things prior to working for the State, mostly thanks to her brother, but she found that she was learning a lot more details about the Crows and their divisions now that she was here.

She had always known that one of the reasons that Rhys was defeated and the Elorians lost the Civil War was because Rhys' force, the Elorian Revolutionary Armed Forces, or the Original Crows, became divided.

There was conflict among the ranks and they split into two, the second division being called the New Elorian Revolutionary Armed Forces, or the Revolutionary Crows. This was the group that her brother was a part of, a group that was scattered among Abureth and was led by a man that Thea was not quite fond of– Arten Orynan.

In Thea's eyes, and the eyes of many of those loyal to the Original Crows, whatever people thought of the General, Arten Orynan was the real reason they lost the Civil War, because he wanted more than what Rhys wanted. He wanted complete revolution. He wanted to take over the Aiverian State completely and make it an Elorian State and do to the AIverians what was done to them.

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