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Dearest Rue,

I thought I would miss you during your silly missions but I came across an ancient tree today that had a strange shape in its trunk which reminded me of your scowling face... and I realized that some time away from your dark and gloomy presence is actually quite refreshing.

Only kidding. I miss you dearly, my love.

Hurry home, please. I know the people need you more than I do but I think it's fair to say that I want you more. Besides, they have a dozen other Crows to help them and I only have you... am I selfish to say that?

In other news, the students...

My Dear Pouty Prince,

I am happy to hear you are doing so well without me, though I must say that when I read between the lines of the poem you added, I can practically hear the screams of your heart as it calls for me. I presume you are smirking now as you read that. See, I know you so well. And now you must be smiling. See, I am right again.

On my end, Tai saw how much I enjoyed my previous trips to small villages and has now offered me the opportunity to lead a team to a village just south of Gaila Town. They were apparently ravaged by the war and left ignored after the fact... Tai said it would be good to go show them our support and bring them some food and resources to help build themselves back up again.

I know you worry about me but of course I said yes.

It will be another opportunity for me to learn more about these people and... I suppose I still feel the need to try and pay for my father's sins. And now you are rolling your eyes... I can tell. And whatever you may do to tell me otherwise, I can't help it. His desire to be in the good graces of Jakob Karney has made him worse than he ever was... did you hear the news of his recent speech? It was disgusting. I love my father but it made me feel sick... but also, it reminded me that if there is anything I can do to right some of his wrongs... I will take it. Plus, it would give me something worthwhile to do while you are off on your own missions.

Now stop pouting, as I imagine you are doing right now, and have pride in the fact that the woman you love so dearly will be helping to rebuild another village...


If you continue to respond to me like this then for every little issue then I will no longer tell you about my injuries or hardships.

It was just a fall, you buffoon. And sure, my arm is broken but it will heal much faster than the broken hearts of the people in this village. They have lost so much more and I will continue to help them. You should know where I am coming from better than anyone else...

My love,

Yes, my arm is healing very well. I can use it again for the most part, but if I lift anything heavy it does ache a little.

Last night there was a celebration. It was lovely to see the folk of this village come together to drink and dance and let go of their worries for at least one night. Plus, I know you hate my meatloaf but they absolutely loved it! And don't try to tell me it's because they are starving or something of that sort. You just have bad taste.

How are you...

My Dear Rue,

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