Chapter Fifty Five - [Drowning]

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Hi everyone!

As promised, here is the second upload for this week! Only a few chapters left for Part One so I hope you're excited (don't worry, the story will continue on as usual - we will just be in Part Two). The next chapter will be up next week! :D

Don't forget to vote and comment to let me know what you think!


luckycharms <3


Thea was waiting in the small waiting area of Niall's office, chitchatting with Mrs. Railer since Niall had not yet returned from wherever it was that he had gone.

After spending some time getting started on putting together the poems for the second book, as per Niall's orders, she and Milo already had some questions that they wanted to go through with Niall. So, while Milo continued to work on separating all the relevant poems from the hundreds that they had–he was certainly faster than she was at that–Thea was waiting in Niall's office to ask the questions. Divide and conquer, Milo had said.

When he arrived, opening the door and walking in rather briskly, he seemed so lost in thought that he nearly walked right past Thea, not even noticing her at first. When he did however, he looked surprised. "Thea," he said, stopping in his tracks. "Sorry I... what can I do for you?"

Thea smiled. "It's alright," she said, holding her notebook up. "Just had a few things I wanted to ask you."

"Right," Niall held his office door open for her. "Your timing is actually perfect as there are a few things I wanted to discuss as well. Come in."

Once they were settled in his office, him in his chair and her at her seat across from his desk, Thea found herself noticing that Niall looked incredibly exhausted. Of course, it was clear exhaustion was almost part of his identity at this point, today, it seemed worse. Clearly, he had a lot on his mind.

For a moment, as he loosened his tie and leaned back in his chair, Thea remembered her ultimatum to herself that she would kiss him again the next time they had a moment alone together. It felt like forever since she spent the night at his place, and despite the intensity of their intimacy and the bond that she had created with him after she let him cut her hair, somehow, as she watched him raise his gaze to meet hers, it felt like all of that was forgotten.

And somehow, trying to kiss him now felt... not right.

Niall was first to speak up, interrupting her from her thoughts. "I know you came here for a reason, but I have an update that I'm sure you'd want to know," he began.

Thea nodded. "Alright..."

"The recent turn of events with Rivier, with the press coverage and his subsequent humiliation as well as the release of the poems... and significantly his loss of power to me... it has brought forth some significant information."

Thea raised a brow, not understanding what he was referring to.

"Do you recall in the letters Miriella wrote when she returned to Rivier's estate? She mentioned maids that she favored?"

Thea nodded. "Yes, that she was happy to see them... some maids that had always been good to her?"

Niall nodded. "Turns out Miriella's death had been a well kept secret at the Rivier Estate. Many of the staff members knew of it but kept silent due to their fear of Rivier."

Thea gasped. "You mean..."

"Yes. Two of the maids, emboldened by the turn of events, have publicly come forward as witnesses."

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