Chapter Two - [Half-Breed]

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As you may have noticed, there will be some poems thrown in here and there for you guys - in case you didn't know, they're relevant to the story so enjoy them and let me know your thoughts! It's my first time really dabbling in writing poems so hopefully they're okay, haha!

Also, you'll be meeting Niall in this chapter, so you can check out a post on his aesthetics on my tiktok here: 

I wish I could just post the video here but I can't, unfortunately, haha!

Thank you again for reading and don't forget to vote and comment to let me know your thoughts! <3

Love, Luckycharms!


The only thing that Niall enjoyed about the bar he was seated in was the smell of smoke in the air and the dull lighting made duller by the dark, expensive looking wooden walls. Aside from that, the red cushioning on all the seating, the gold trim along nearly all the tables, the unnecessarily large chandeliers and the lines and lines of expensive bottles put on display behind the bar were all a little too gaudy for his taste.

He could see, just from a quick glance, that this kind of place seemed to attract all the rich folk, dressed to the nines for no reason other than to talk politics, or money or women... and of course, to get drunk.

Though he certainly realized that he really couldn't be the one to talk. He too was dressed near to perfection, his uniform perfectly pressed, his boots spotlessly polished and not a single button or badge or anything of the sort out of place.

Even his dark hair was combed back as neatly as it could be, though a few strands did manage to escape, falling over his forehead after a very long day of work.

But that really wasn't unusual for General Killian. He was just always like that. In fact, whether or not this General ever looked unkempt was a mystery among the State Military. Some even went as far as assuming that even his pajamas were as finely pressed as his uniform was... not a wrinkle in sight.

That wasn't true, of course.

Niall Killian wasn't insane.

Whatever the case, he waited in his seat rather impatiently, tapping the table with his fingers until his coworker and friend Colonel Kaya Jaylen eventually walked into the bar.

As always, the woman's presence caused heads to turn as she crossed the room, but not necessarily because she was beautiful. What made her turn heads was the fact that the Colonel was a woman in uniform.

Niall could see it, how quickly the looks of the men would turn from curiosity to fear and then to disgust or mockery. How easy it was for them to fear a confident woman. And despite Colonel Jaylen being a good friend of his, the looks didn't upset him. In fact, the looks always made him smirk.

If only they knew that she was not only a successful Colonel in her own right, but also the Chief of the State Military's Logistics Branch, a woman that most men in the military had to bow their heads to and one of the few reasons why the Aiverian State was able to maintain control over the Elorians.

She was more competent than most of the men in this entire room.

When Colonel Jaylen reached him, she greeted him before she tossed her hat on the round table, revealing her messy bun, and sat in the chair to the left of him. As she often did, she then proceeded to cross her arms and lean back, balancing her chair on the back two legs.

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