Chapter Twenty Five - [The Notebook]

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Hi everyone!


Just wanted to let you know that I will be posting another chapter shortly after this as a holiday present for you all! I really hope you enjoy!

Don't forget to vote and comment to let me know your thoughts! <3



Rue wasn't lying when he said he wasn't going to say another word. The second he finished what he was saying, he closed his eyes and didn't respond to any of Thea's follow up questions. Though Thea was furious that this man was willing to play such a silly game when his life was on the line, she also was well aware of the fact that he had told her something of importance.

There was a notebook.

Had the State really not cared to investigate it?

When she left his cell, the first thing she did was tell Luana to go to the Prison Warden and ask where they kept the prisoners things, but knowing damn well that the Warden would make a big deal about whether or not they were even allowed to access is, she went to the nearest phone and called the General.

It was Mrs. Railer who picked up, but she connected her to the General quickly, and the second she heard his voice she spoke up, wasting no time and explaining the entire situation.

"Yes, I can grant you access to that," the General said. "But Thea... I can't guarantee that his things are even still there."

Her heart stopped. "What?"

"I'm sorry," he said. "But when Crows come in, there's no expectation that they'll actually ever leave... so there's no reason to keep any of their things. And even if they did keep it, the State Prison is notorious for their mismanagement."

"How could a state facility be so careless?"

"Keeping things messy is the easiest way to hide mistakes... or things the State wants to make look like mistakes."

Of course.

It would be easy for the State to simply say that someone they killed in that prison never existed if there wasn't anything to prove they did.

"I still have to try looking..."

"Of course," The General responded. "I'll talk to the Warden."

"Thank you, Sir."

"No problem."

She was going to hang up, but heard him call out to her again. "Thea."


"Good work."

To that, she chuckled. "I don't know if learning that there may be a needle in a haystack is good work."

"It's better than anything anyone else has come up with," he said. "At least we know there is, or was, a needle to begin with."

She let out a breath that was both exasperated and amused. "I appreciate it, Sir." And with that, she found her way to Luana, who was, as expected, arguing with the Warden. At least until his phone rang. Then, after a few 'yes sir's' and 'of course sir's,' the two of them were led to the huge, horrifyingly messy archive room.

Thea gawked at the sight of the massive room that was filled with shelves and shelves of boxes and folders and papers and god knows what else. The place was in a complete state of disarray, and though the shelves were labeled with numbers, the Warden put Thea in a state of distress when he said that unnamed Crow prisoners had their things and folders "thrown at the back."

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