Chapter Fifty Three - [Games]

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Hi everyone,

Here's another nice long chapter for you all! I hope you enjoy! <3

Don't forget to vote and comment! And thanks as always for your patience! :D

Love, luckycharms !!!


The morning air in Imanay was chilly, enough so that Thea's nose and cheeks were red, the feeling in them gone. However, the pain of the cold was far in the back of Thea's mind, seeing as there were so many more important things that she had to worry about at that moment.

After spending the afternoon prior spreading the rumor that the team was taking a day trip to a famous, luxurious hotel in Empro to celebrate General Killian's promotion, Kaya's idea, of course, the team departed from the Capital in the evening and arrived in Imanay a short while ago.

Thanks to Niall's friendship with the woman at the Inn, he found out that someone had called the Mayor of Imanay a few days before and requested for the small community center at the center of the town to be reserved for an important meeting.

The caller left the name Kova.

Now, Thea was waiting near the open doors of the community center, Luana, and Milo by her side, waiting for the arrival of the remnants of the Original Crows.

The arrival of... Tai.

Thea wondered if Niall was nervous... though she figured he must have been, seeing as with the silence of the morning, Thea could hear the creaking of the floorboards as Niall paced in the room directly above them.

At the very least, Julian was with him.

Sighing, Thea looked out at the empty streets of Imanay, too early and too cold for anyone else to be out. It was still dark out, but the sky was in the middle of turning a beautiful dark shade of purple in the east, specifically near the spot where the sun was expected to rise. It was gorgeous and peaceful and for a moment, as Thea's eyes shifted to the decrepit home on the hill that Niall had hoped to occupy one day, she began to understand more why he liked this place.

It certainly was an escape... an escape from all the nonsense going on in the Capital.

Her moment of peace was interrupted shortly after, however, when Thea spotted the headlights of Niall's car as it approached them. The car slowed to a stop at the entrance, Kaya getting out from the passenger side before telling Aaryan to go ahead and park it. Once he drove off again, Kaya let out a breath. "They're coming."

Thea, Luana and Milo straightened up instantly.

"I'm going up to let Niall know," she continued. "As planned, you three and Aaryan will stay down here. You are expected to be as observant as possible, try to get as much information as you can, without being suspicious... even if that means just keeping your eyes open."

The three nodded, though it was always unusual to see Kaya so serious.

"Remember that we know nothing about these people and for that reason, they have the upper hand," she said. "It can't stay that way for long."

"Yes, ma'am," the three said, though Luana, the soldier in the group, saluted her as well.

With a nod, Kaya turned and made her way in, turning to take the stairs up to Niall.

Thea found herself shuddering at the cold at that moment, and then the memory of sleeping in Niall's bed, his arms around her as his body warmed her infiltrated her thoughts. Somehow, it felt like centuries ago since they had confessed their feelings for each other... since they last kissed.

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