Chapter 25 - Safe place

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"Hm?" my mom is confused.

"Really?" Aria seems pretty excited.

"Yes." I sit there.

"Since when?" dad wonders.

Which date do I tell him?

I think counting from the first time Colt asked me out is going to sound more serious, since the second time he asked is not too long ago.

"It's been a few months." I reply.

"That's great. How did you guys notice that you fell in love?" my mom asks.

The relief I feel right now is indescribable.

Colt understands that my mom approved and lets out a relieved breath.

I tell them a few good parts of the story and they all seem pretty happy.

"It's very nice to have you both here." my father smiles at us.

"Okay, Aria, I need your help to surprise April and aunt and uncle." I turn towards her.

"Oh, yeah, will do." she pulls out her phone.

"Do you want a big surprise and shock effect or not that much?" she asks before calling her.

"Big surprise." I choose, not really knowing what she's going to do.

She calls April and before she can say anything, Aria starts her show.

"April! Hurry!"

"What happened, Aria? Are you okay?"

"No! You need to help me sneak out! This really cute guy asked me out on a date, but mom won't let me meet him!" she acts out her plan.

My dad trying to do his best with keeping his laugh in, especially since my mom is caught off guard when being shown as the bad guy.

"Okay, coming over."

Aria hangs up, with a devilish smile on her face.

"Wait, do you guys do this often?" dad asks.

Aria looks at me, then at dad, then back at me.

"Why would she need to sneak out, you guys allow her everything, as long as she is in safety." I try to save her.

"If this would've happened before, April maybe would've said something like 'again' or 'didn't you sneak out last time too' or something like that." Aria continues.

"The more you two talk, the less believable it gets." mom smiles at us and we shut up.

After 20 minutes April is here.

"Go, go, you open the door." Aria whisper-yells at me.

I walk up to the door and immediately open it, too excited to wait.

"Quick, get inside and help her." I continue acting.

"Elia!" she jumps at me.

We laugh and I hear laughter from the living room.

"Ah! Colt! Nice to meet you." luckily Aria and April are really good at speaking English, so it'll be easier for Colt to communicate with my family.

"Nice to meet you too, April." she introduces herself.

"Wow, you're taller than I imagined. Elia, you hit the jackpot."

"April." I get shy.

Aria and April laugh at my shyness.

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