Chapter 4 - Lunch

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No call. No mail.

Awesome, 'cause now I leave for lunch with Khia.

I see her at the entrance and she gives me a warm hug.

"Hey." she says happily.

"Hey." I say hugging her back.

We go to her car and drive off.

"Do you have a special wish?" she asks.

"No, I don't. I just came to L.A. two weeks ago, so I barely know any places." I explain.

"What? Really? Oh my god, we definitely need to hang out often and I can show you all of the cool places here." she says smiling.

We talk about many different topics on the way and in the restaurant.

From childhood memories, to school, to work, Colt, her job, many things.

She also works in their family company but only from time to time. There she works in the advertisement department. So, she is designing the billboards and is responsible for good and interesting advertisement.

But her father takes over, when she leaves for college.

"What are you studying?" I ask her.

"Fashion." she says.

Oh, I totally see it. She is now dressed in a light blue dress with cute heels and beautiful accessories.

"I've always been interested in designing but I wanted to also have something outside my family's company.

And growing up I had to mix and match my clothes pretty often to have nice outfits, since we couldn't afford many pieces back then, and over time I noticed that putting outfits together and making my own was a lot of fun and that's how I decided to study fashion." she says.

"What about you? How did you notice your interest in interior design?" she asks taking a sip from her drink.

"My family and I moved pretty often when I was growing up, so we constantly had to find ways to match our furniture into every new house or apartment and changed our decoration and all, pretty often because of that and I got really interested in finding ways to make things match, that you would usually think don't match and just be creative. That's how it started, but I didn't study interior design." I answer.

"I did go to a school that teaches about interior design, while going to regular school, but of course I didn't get a degree, since that school was more like offering two to three classes for interior design every week to teach about it.

So, I'm not professional at this, but I am so thankful that Mrs. Dalox liked my designs and decided to give me chance." I say smiling when I think about the moment Mrs. Dalox told me that I got the job.

"How is it to work with Colt?" she asks me, and I think for a second.

"Well, it's doable." I smile.

"Oh, I know how difficult of a person he is." she says chuckling.

"Growing up he was always so cold." she laughs at the similar word to her brother's name.

"No, but seriously, it's really difficult to get along with him. The only people he really spends time with are the sons of our business partners. But trust me, they are very different.

They are funny and sweet. I don't spend much time with them. Maybe once or twice a year at a meeting but those are the meetings that are really fun." she tells me.

"I hope that we'll get along better over time, otherwise I think work is going to be pretty exhausting." I say and we continue eating.

A week later

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