Chapter 11 - Confessing

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Another week has passed and I am done with all the planning and sketching for the project at work.

Now, I only have to do the buying part, which is more stressful than planning, actually.

Because sketching is completely my own creativity and I can do something that I enjoy but looking for all the needed items and not finding some is really frustrating since building them takes quite some time.

I mean I don't build them myself of course, that's the job of the artisan's, but still, I'd rather find everything immediately.

Today is  a warm, sunny day.

Not unbearably hot but also not chilly or cold.

And I decide to go out and go to stores to look for the decoration I need instead of looking for them online, after spending hours and days at my desk the whole day.

And of course, I take Colt with me, because he was also at his desk the whole time.

Conferences, meetings, work. Everything is seeming to go the wrong way, which stresses Colt a lot, so I think a break from all of that would be nice.

"So, I made a list of all the things I need and also picked out some stores where we could look for the items and put them in order, so that we don't waste any time." I start to explain when Colt stops me there.

"It's fine, we don't have to follow a specific route, let's just enjoy the day." he says.

Wait, since when does Colt put effort in to enjoying things?

But I'm not going to complain, it's nice.


"Look, these vases are so cute." I show them.

"They really are. And I think the match this tablet." he agrees, pulling out an extremely pretty tablet from a top shelf which I can't see from where I am standing.

"Oh, this would look so cute on the coffee table." 

As I am decorating the rooms in my mind with the things we already found, Colt is walking around looking for other nice things.

"From what you've told me, the client likes colorful and lifeful things and is not minimalistic. I think these different colored plates with different prints would look nice on display in one of the kitchen cabinets with glass doors." he suggests, kind of shyly.

I smile at him.

Not thinking anything actually.

I'm just feeling calm and peaceful.

Colt is really trying to get out of his shell and out of his comfort zone.

He is still a bit shy, but that's natural. And it's nice to see him trusting me by showing me a different side of him.

I can't say it out loud yet, but I promise him that I won't break his trust.

"That's a really nice idea, which the client is going to love." I say holding one of the plates in my hand and I see him smiling slightly.


"My legs hurt really bad from all the walking." I complain in the huge home décor store.

I see Colt smirking sheepishly after saying that, but I don't really understand why and I am too tired to question anything.

It is way past working hours and we are still not done with shopping.

"I'm sorry if I held you off of your work." I say getting into his car.

"This is also my job, looking if everyone does their job correctly and helping when needed.

August 8thKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat