Chapter 2 - Firsts

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"Questions?" he asks after explaining me my work by using as less words as he can.

Didn't he ever learn to form full sentences?

"No." I say.

I mean, I did not listen to everything, since I was pretty distracted by his visuals, specifically his arms, but I think I understood the most important things.

"I'll call you when there is work. You can go to your office." he says. Probably the longest he talked at once.

"Uhm." I think.

"My office?" I ask.

He looks past my shoulder a second, then, annoyed, he reaches over to the phone on his desk and dials a number.

"Did you show her her office?"

After, who I think is his mother, answers, he lets out a deep sigh.

He looks at me for the first time since shaking my hand like forty-five minutes ago, but doesn't do that for long and lets his look down to my legs and after realizing, he looks away from me completely.

"Where is my office?" I ask to change the atmosphere, before my red dress and I match colors.

He gets up with a deep and annoyed breath and walks with me diagonally behind him.

Is he always this annoyed?

We go to the elevator. And those elevators are very pretty and modern, but the whole time I have to hold my dress tightly to my thighs to not show anyone anything underneath.

Well... there is not much but no one needs to know.

I look over to Colt, who is looking at my small struggle with my dress but thankfully before I need to think of something to distract him from looking, the elevator stops and someone is about to enter.

"Take the stairs." Colt says without looking at the young man and he just walks away from the elevator without saying anything against it.

At least he looked away afterwards.

We finally arrive in front of a closed door and Colt hands me a key.

"Pick up the phone as soon as it rings." he says and walks away.

Ok, thank you. Rude.

I unlock the door and find myself in this really small room. It's not only small but also probably the only room without the beautiful view that's visible from everywhere else in the building.

This is my office?

I have a small window, empty shelves and a desk with a computer and phone on it and a chair.

I place by bag on the table and as I am about to sit down the phone rings.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Start the computer and open my mail, there are some things that need to be done by tomorrow morning." I hear Colt's voice. But didn't Mrs. Dalox say I can use this day to get used to the office?

"Understood?" he asks. Well, seems like the plans have changed.

"Yes, I'm going to read them now." I say and he hangs up. This is going to be fun.

At lunchbreak I am already done with the first two tasks and leave my office.

It looks more like a rathole.

Right when I leave, I see a beautiful young women walk up to me with a cute smile.

"Hey." she says as she comes closer.

August 8thМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя