the kitten debate (blackhill)

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Lying in bed, after a particularly drawn-out night of sex, Natasha had proposed an amazing, great, truly wonderful idea to Maria.

"I think it's a great idea."

"It's a terrible idea, Nat."

With an over-dramatic gasp, Natasha turned her head to glare at her girlfriend laying in bed next to her.

"Why the hell is getting a kitten a terrible idea?" She pouted.

"Maybe not a terrible idea, but it's not a great one. We both work away from home a lot, what if it gets lonely?" Maria rebutted, her fingers absentmindedly brushing through Natasha's hair.

"Then... then I'll get a cat sitter or something." Natasha sat up and climbed into Maria's lap, settling on top of her thighs. "Pleaseeeee?"

"Natasha, think about it for a second. Cats will piss and poop wherever they want, they're always hissing, and half of the time they just run away from people. Is that really what you want running around the apartment?"

"Not all cats are like that!"

"But what if the one we happen to get is?" Maria chuckled, quickly pressing a kiss to her nose. "I think we should wait a little longer, okay?"

Natasha huffed but eventually nodded her head, a pout still on evident her lips.

"Come on, let me make you feel better..." Maria drawled, trailing soft kisses along her neck.

As much as she tried to hide it, a grin spread on Natasha's face and she complied, pulling her in for a kiss.

"Hey guys!" Bucky greeted as he opened the door.

"Hey Buck." Natasha smiled, walking into his and Steve's apartment with Maria in hand.

"Aw, look at you guys." Bucky gestured to their clasped hands. "I'm so glad the senseless pining for each other is over."

"Shut up!" Maria quickly shushes him, much to Natasha's chagrin.

"Aw, you had a crush on me too?" Natasha smiled widely.

"You're lucky you're cute." Maria muttered, pulling her in a little closer.

"Are you done?" Steve joked sarcastically. "We have to be there in twenty minutes, let's get going!"

He rushed them all out of the front door and into his and Bucky's new convertible (a car bought for the couple as a present from Tony). They drove the fifteen minutes to Stark Tower, with Bucky blasting Rihanna as loud as humanly possible, and arrived with three minutes to spare. Natasha barely let Maria's hand go, clinging to her like a child would their toy. When the group arrived at the top floor, it wasn't a surprise to see that the prodigal Stark had decked it out in full party fashion. Balloons, streamers, speakers, red party cups, drunk dancers and an alarming amount of confetti littered the room. Maria pitied the poor janitor that stumbled upon the aftermath in the morning.

"Come on." Natasha practically squealed with glee. "Let's go find Clint!"

They moved through the bustling crowd of people and eventually found the archer nursing drink at the bar.

"Birdbrain!" She smiled, hitting his shoulder.

"I take deep offense at that nickname." Clint grumbled. "Hey, Maria. Great to see you."

"You too, Clint."

"You guys are adorable together, seriously."

"Shut up." Natasha smirked, shoving his shoulder at the knowing grin spread across his face.

"Anything special happening at this party, or was it just another excuse for Tony to get shitfaced?"

"He's commemorating... uh, Spider-boy? No, wait, Spider-man."

"Oh." Maria nodded. "Nice kid."

"You've met him?"

"Once. He didn't take off the mask, though. That's fair, considering the fact that the kid's only 15."

"Enough business-y talk!" Natasha groaned, jumping a little with excitement. "Let's have fun tonight!"

She wasn't sure how, but Natasha somehow woke up in her bed the next morning. She didn't remember getting in; her last memory was of Clint's blurry face as they danced to Nelly Furtado. Maria must've tucked her in.

Natasha groaned at the pounding in her head and attempted to sink into the bed, burrowing under the covers.

Then, a soft patter.

Then another.

Something inched closer to her on the bed. It applied light pressure to Natasha's abdomen, slowly crawling up her body.

Assuming it was a hallucination brought on by the alcohol that hadn't left her system yet, Natasha ignored it.

That was, until a small, rough tongue grazed the tip of her nose.

Natasha cracked open her eyes and was met with a heart-melting sight.

A tiny, fluffy kitten rested atop her chest. Its fur was black and the eyes were green and wide. It looked down at Natasha with innocent curiosity, once again sniffing her nose and taking another tentative lick. The low hum of purring filled the room, and Natasha could've cried in that moment.

"Who are you?" She whispered, raising a hand to pet the kittens soft fur. When it didn't flinch away, Natasha brushed along its back and stopped just before the tail begun.


Natasha finally sat up and could see Maria leaning against the doorframe, a small smile tugging at her lips. The kitten mewled quietly at the movement and attempted to anchor itself to Natasha's chest with its claws.

"When did you-"

"The day after you asked." Maria already knew what the question was. She walked over and took a seat beside Natasha in bed, stroking the kitten's head. "Her name is Liho."

"Какой красивый котик..."

"She's yours."

Natasha couldn't fight back a couple tears that brimmed at her lash line, turning to the woman she'd adored for years.

"я люблю тебя, дорогой."

"Больше чем когда либо." Maria returned.

She placed a chaste but lingering kiss on Maria's lips, before Liho mewled selfishly for attention. Natasha couldn't help but laugh at the insistent little kitten's demands.

"Oh, she's going to be a handful."

A/N:  ...

I've been gone a while, haven't I?

A thousand apologies my dears, there has been a lot going on in my life. I'm honestly surprised at myself for managing to get this written and done, what with the looming anxiety of an exam I've got in just over a WEEK. 

But aside from that, writing makes me happy whenever I'm down, and you guys have been begging for more chapters. So, I give you one of the fluffiest one shots ever written by moi! If you do have any requests, leave them in the comments and I'll take them into consideration for the future.

Let me know the pairing, the setting, the time period and any other details i.e fluff, angst, crack, smut, etc.

Love you all, thank you so much for the kind words. I can't believe this book surpassed 20K reads. I can't even verbalise how thankful I am.

L <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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