kiss me once (carterwood)

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A/N: FORGIVE ME FATHER, FOR I WAS BORED AND SAD ABOUT CARTERWOOD NOT BEING CANON AND MADE THIS. one note; this is an AU where dottie isn't a black widow and is just a normal gal :)

warnings: smutty smut smut, first time for dottie, peggy calling her love alot, you get the idea...

The first thought that came into Dottie's mind, as she approached the building, was how damned big it was. She'd never seen anything like it back home in Iowa. Mostly, the entire state consisted of vast farmland and diners in the middle of nowhere (at least, in her limited experience).

Distracted, Dottie didn't notice that she'd left her luggage in the backseat of the cab until the driver handed over her bags.

With a polite and sincere thank you, Dottie walked into the Griffith Hotel and up to the desk. An older woman, perched on a stool flipping through a heap of papers, paid her no mind until Dottie finally spoke up.

"Hi there! Are you Ms. Fry?" She asked, all chipper.

The older woman finally glanced up from the page, looked Dottie up and down and pulled her glasses down to the bridge of her nose.

"Indeed I am. And who might you be, young lady?"

"Dorothy Underwood. Or Dottie, if you like. I called you a couple days ago about-"

"Ah, you're the ballet dancer." Ms. Fry interrupted, walking around the table over to Dottie. "Welcome. Follow me to your room, and while we walk, why don't I explain the rules of my establishment?"

Curtly nodding, Dottie held onto her belongings tightly as they began the ascent to her room.

"Our code of conduct is indisputable. Attire should be demure and elegant. Curfew is 10:00. No drinking. No men above the first floor; no exceptions. Is that clear, Miss Underwood?"

"Perfectly." Dottie nodded, a little afraid of the woman a foot shorter than her.

Ms. Fry lead her up a few flights of stairs and they came into the hallway hosting Dottie's room, when she suddenly stopped with a wag of her finger.

"How long do you intend to pursue this... dancing career?"

Dottie hadn't really thought of it like that until that point, and she came up with an answer she was certain Miriam would approve of.

"Why, just until I'm married, of course!" Dottie smiled sweetly.

Ms. Fry nodded in approval, presumably about to go off on another spiel about rules and deviance, when a door swung open and hushed voices came walking out. A woman in a waitress' dress and another in a robe exited, almost running straight into Miriam and Dottie.

"Oh. Miss Carter, Miss Martinelli, may I introduce you to our new resident, Miss Dorothy Underwood?" She said.

They seemed a little awkward, as if Dottie and Miriam had interrupted a little tryst between the two. So, Dottie decided to do what she does best and try and lighten everyone's mood.

"Oh, call me Dottie." She smiled, shaking Miss Martinelli's hand first delightedly. "Nice to meet you. This place is pretty swell, huh? Seems like one big, happy family."

"That wears off." Miss Martinelli deadpanned, and Dottie had to disguise a laugh, as it wouldn't really fit the dumb blonde persona she was portraying to Miriam.

"No, it's a pleasure to meet you." Miss Carter smiled back, reaching out a hand and shaking Dottie's.

That was a pivotal moment. When their hands made contact, Dottie felt the slightest of shivers run down her spine. Perhaps she was just excited to meet someone so... elegant? Not to mention that accent.

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