pool party (blackhill)

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prompt: tony stark throws a pool party. emotions are shared, peter parker is a sweet and unaware spidey.

warnings: none

. . . . .

"Oh no. This cannot end well." Natasha sighed.

She was lay across Tony's sofa, her head resting atop Maria's chest, watching as hired workers began setting up the pool area with party decorations. They laid out balloons, giant speakers, new drinks; everything the billionaire loved.

"A hundred bucks says Stark gets drunk and puts on his suit during the party." Maria snickered, eliciting a laugh out of Natasha too.

Their impromptu cuddle was interrupted by the sound of a web zipping and feet landing on the ground. Natasha lifted her head to look over the back of the couch, and she found Peter in his suit, pulling off his mask. He'd clearly just swung in from the building across the street.

"Oh! Miss Widow, Miss Commander!" Peter jumped in surprise when he noticed them on the couch together. "Sorry if I, uh, interrupted anything. Have you seen Mr Stark anywhere? He told me I had to bring my swimming trunks to the party and I was really confu- oh... it's a pool party, isn't it?"

"Sure is." Maria gestured outside, to where the pool overhung off the side of Stark Tower. "He's in his lab with Banner."

"Thank you Miss Hill- uh, Miss Commander?"

"It's Maria, Peter. And I'm not a SHIELD commander anymore, remember."

"Right of course. Bye Maria, bye Miss Romanoff!"

With that, he ran past them and down the stairs towards Stark's lab.

Maria chuckled under her breath and pulled Natasha in closer, kissing the top of her head. "He knows he can also call you Natasha, right?"

"I've been telling him that for weeks."

. . . . .

Day turned into night, and the party was in full swing.

Clint was on the phone at the bar (probably with his wife and children, the sap), Thor was downing mugs of Asgardian liquor with Steve (who's serum tolerance meant he could handle it's strength), Bruce was nowhere to be seen (he was definitely hiding out in the lab), Peter was doing flips and jumps into the pool with Ned (nobody had any idea why these two were at the party, but they didn't question it either), and Tony...

The prodigal Stark was drunkenly dancing and pumping his fist to the beat on the dance floor, spilling his drink everywhere. A typical night for him, if you will.

Natasha emerged from her bedroom after changing into a red one-piece. She headed straight for the bar and laughed to herself when she noticed Tony, who by now was downing shots with random party-goers. She ordered herself a dry martini and Clint spun around on his stool, shoving his phone into his pocket.

"Look at you, Nat. Who are you all dolled up for?" He smiled gleefully.

"I got a girl out there waiting for me, have to make sure I look my best for her." Natasha replied, faking a southern twang and sipping her drink.

"Gotcha. Where is Hill at, anyways?"

"Speak of the devil and she will appear!" Maria called out, arms wide. She approached the two with a half-sided smirk, and Natasha had to physically restrain herself from drooling. Her girlfriend had changed into a black one-piece, similar to Natasha's own, but it clung to her figure deliciously.

"Who knew the devil could look so good?" She slid an arm around Maria's waist, resting her hands at the small of her back.

"Not as good as you, my love. The red really brings out the deviance in you, Nat." Maria whispered directly in her ear, sending a shiver up Natasha's spine.

"Hey, you realise I can hear you, right?" Clint grimaced.

"Oh, shut it, Hawkeye. You're just missing your wife."

"Whatever. I'm going over to people who aren't about to fuck on the bar top. Enjoy your evening, ladies." He fake saluted them and walked over to Thor and Steve.

Maria smiled and took the seat beside Natasha, placing a hand on her thigh.

"I'm so glad I met you, Natasha." She spoke sincerely, looking deep into her eyes.


"Are you kidding me? That first day at SHIELD, when you'd just defected over from the Red Room, I couldn't stop admiring you. Everything about you; your poise, your skill, your reflexes, goddamn everything. And after the Battle of New York, when you came over to my place and kissed me for the first time... it was like the stars exploded and the universe lined up perfectly. You're the best thing to ever happen to me, and I've loved you for every single second since I met you."

The Black Widow, emotionless and cruel, assassin with a dripping red ledger, the weapon of a Soviet organisation, welled up with tears.

She reached over and kissed Maria, interlacing their fingers together and bringing them to her chest. A tear slipped past her eyelids and she quickly brushed them away, pulling back to look into her lover's eyes.

"I love you so much, Maria Hill."

The party was like a breeze in the background. All they could focus on was each other. How much emotion and pure, unprecedented love they felt for one another.

Until, of course, Peter canon-balled into the pool and splashed water at their legs.

He resurfaced and quickly apologised, choking on water apparently. But they weren't mad. They laughed it off and leaned into each other, enjoying the bliss of the party.

blackhill + multiship oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon