how they found out... pt. 2 (blackhill)

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prompt: whatever the last chapter said. i can't remember lol. this ones about how they ALL end up finding out.

warnings: slightly smutty, swearing, homophobic language.

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They had been drinking in a bar together to celebrate Maria's recent, successful mission. Laura and Clint had been invited along with Maria and Natasha, since they were the closest people to them. And, before four of the Avengers accidentally caught them in the throes of... personal business, they were the only people who knew of their relationship.

Natasha sat at the bar and waited for four more beers to be served. She internally groaned when she felt a pair of eyes watching from beside her.

A beer bellied, greasy haired man approached her with a sick grin.

"Hello there, beautiful." He slurred. Natasha ignored his words and grimaced.

"What, no smile?" The man asked with feigned offence. He then took it a step further and put his hand on her upper thigh.

"C'mon babe, I know you want to." He smirked and showed yellow, rotting teeth.

"Get your filthy hands off me before I cut off your fingers." She spat and glared at him.

"Is there a problem here?" A voice behind Natasha asked. She turned and smiled at the presence of her girlfriend, standing up. Maria snaked an arm around her waist and tilted her head at the man.

"What's it to you, dyke?" He sneered and slammed his beer down. "I'm just trying to have some fun with this chick over here, it's none of your business."

"Oh, it's definitely my business when the 'chick' you're trying to fuck is my girlfriend. Keep your hands to yourself, asshole." Maria spat back and Natasha bit her lip and stared up at her in awe. She tried to ignore the sudden urge to jump her right now, due to the fact that they were in public and this prick would probably get off on it.

"Girlfriend? You're a lesbo too? Jesus, what a shame, you could've ridden this big dick, sweetheart." He tutted and disgustingly grabbed his crotch.

"Say one more word about her and I'll cut off your tiny prick!" Maria yelled and shoved him backwards.

He attempted to throw a punch but Maria, being a trained army vet and a SHIELD agent, obviously dodged it. She landed a punch right to his nose and he fell right back onto the floor.

"Come on, let's get out of here now." Natasha whispered and started dragging her away as Clint began to deal with the asshole his own way.

"Nat, what's going on-" her sentence was cut short when Maria felt Natasha drag her into an alleyway and press her up against the wall. She moaned into the kiss and grabbed her waist, feeling Natasha's hips grind into hers.

The car pulled up quickly and both women hauled in as quick as it had arrived.

• • • • • •

"Do you think we should tell them?" Wanda questioned. They all stared at the screen in shock.

Tony, Steve and Thor were all laughing amongst themselves now that the others knew. Scott simply buried his head in his hands and groaned.

On the screen, Tony projected the latest article in the NY Times.

"Spotted! The infamous Black Widow was seen last night, liplocked with a mysterious stranger. Could it be any of the other Avengers?"

Below the box of text were pictures snapped outside a bar last night. All the Avengers (except for Tony, Steve and Thor, of course) stared up at the screen in a mix of shock, confusion and slight amusement.

Natasha pulling Maria into the alleyway.

Natasha pushing her against the wall with a smirk.

Natasha's hands in Maria's hair as they kissed.

Natasha pulling Maria into a car frantically.

"I... I had no idea they even liked each other." Sam said.

"Had no idea who liked each other?" Natasha's voice asked from the elevator. Everybody's heads snapped towards the open double doors and hurried over to switch off the screen.

"Tom... and... Jerry." Wanda slowly lied.

"I thought they hated each other?" She asked and sat down on the large sofa.

"We did too." Tony said, barely containing a snicker.

Natasha reached for the remote and switched on the large TV before anybody could protest. She was immediately met with the article, writing and the photographs of her and Maria outside the bar last night. Taking a couple seconds to read the text, she sighed and put her head in her hands.

"Fucks sake! How did they find us?" She groaned.

"What can I say?" Tony laughed. "Paparazzi are everywhere."

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